13.56.010: Purpose Of Provisions
13.56.020: Site Plan Review And Approval
13.56.030: Primary Uses
13.56.040: Accessory Uses
13.56.050: Businesses And Retail Shops; Conditions
13.56.060: Lot Area
13.56.070: Lot Width
13.56.080: Front Yard
13.56.090: Side Yard
13.56.100: Rear Yard
13.56.110: Building Height
13.56.120: Coverage Restrictions
13.56.130: Hours Of Operation
13.56.140: Landscaping
All site plans for development or redevelopment in a C-1 Zone shall be reviewed and approved in three (3) steps as required by chapter 13.08 of this title. (Ord. 2017-20, 8-3-2017)