13.45.010: Purpose Of Provisions
13.45.020: Design And Site Plan Approval
13.45.030: Primary Uses
13.45.040: Accessory Uses
13.45.050: Outside Storage Not Permitted
13.45.060: Setback Requirements
13.45.070: Building Height
13.45.080: Coverage Restrictions
13.45.090: Perimeter Wall
13.45.100: Landscaping
13.45.110: Lighting
13.45.120: Nuisance Factors And Hazards
13.45.130: Screening
13.45.140: Access And Parking
13.45.150: Pedestrian Walkways
13.45.160: Design Considerations
The purpose of the O-R-D Zone is to provide an aesthetically attractive environment where flexibility in the land use mix can be fostered. The primary intent of the zone is to establish a specific area where more intensive office, research and development facilities can be located. However, the complexity of the land in the zone and its adjacency to a major freeway access supports the incorporation of subordinate, and compatible multi-family residential and general commercial activity such as travel and tourism related uses. Retail, service, convenience and food establishments are considered appropriate for the zone when developed with proper site plan and architectural design guidelines. The zone is intended to ensure compatibility of new development with the surrounding land uses, including adjacent residential developments, and to enhance and support the overall economic health and housing needs of the City. (Ord. 2019-09, 5-16-2019; amd. Ord. 2022-15, 6-16-2022)
Design and site plan approval for all development is subject to the three (3) step review and approval process as required in chapter 13.08 of this title. (Ord. 2019-09, 5-16-2019)
A. Primary Uses: The permitted and conditional uses allowed in the O-R-D Zone shall be as set forth in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title. Any primary land use not shown as a permitted or conditional use in chapter 13.100, "Appendix A - Allowed Uses", of this title, shall be prohibited.
B. Combined Uses: Any combination of uses may be established within the same building or on the same lot or parcel. If any of the proposed uses is a conditional use, that use shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission as required by section 13.08.040 of this title. (Ord. 2019-09, 5-16-2019)