13.72.010: Purpose Of Provisions
13.72.020: Overlay Zone; Scope And Application; General Provisions
13.72.030: Development Standards
13.72.040: Establishment Of Limits Of Disturbance
13.72.050: Approval Procedure For Development In The Foothills And Canyons Overlay Zone
13.72.060: Administration And Enforcement
13.72.070: Definitions
13.72.080: Figures
   A.   The general purpose of the foothills and canyons overlay zone is to promote the health, safety, and public welfare of the residents of the city, and while being cognizant of private property rights, to preserve the natural character of the foothills and canyons by establishing standards for foothill and canyon development proposed in the city.
   B.   The standards for development contained herein are intended specifically to accomplish the following purposes:
      1.   Preserve the visual and aesthetic qualities of the foothills and canyons, including prominent ridgelines, which are vital to the attractiveness and economic viability of the city;
      2.   Encourage development designed to reduce risks associated with natural hazards and to provide maximum safety for inhabitants;
      3.   Provide adequate and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation;
      4.   Encourage development that fits the natural slope of the land in order to minimize the scarring and erosion effects of cutting, filling, and grading related to construction on hillsides, ridgelines, and steep slopes;
      5.   Prohibit activities and uses that would result in degradation of fragile soils, steep slopes, and water quality;
      6.   Provide for preservation of environmentally sensitive areas and open space by encouraging clustering or other design techniques to preserve the natural terrain, minimize disturbance to existing trees and vegetation, preserve wildlife habitat, and protect aquifer recharge areas;
      7.   Reduce flooding by protecting streams, drainage channels, absorption areas, and floodplains from substantial alteration of their natural functions. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
   A.   Scope/Application:
      1.   Maps On File: Maps delineating the boundaries of the foothills and canyons overlay zone are on file with the community development department. Such maps, as amended, are a part of this title as if fully described and detailed herein.
      2.   Applies To All Development: The standards and regulations contained in this chapter shall apply to all development that occurs within the mapped foothills and canyons overlay zone, as the term "development" is defined at section 13.04.040 of this title, including grading, clearing and other land disturbance activities.
      3.   Applicability To Development On Lots Of Record: The standards and regulations contained in this chapter shall apply to all development that occurs within the mapped foothills and canyons overlay zone on legally subdivided lots that were recorded prior to the enactment of the ordinance codified herein, including subsequent additions or expansions of buildings or structures constructed prior to the enactment of said ordinance, except when a waiver or exemption expressly allowed by this chapter has been granted.
   B.   General Provisions:
      1.   Construction And Rules Of Interpretation; Delegation Of Authority: Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of a department or another officer or employee of the city to perform an act or duty, that provision shall be construed as authorizing the department head or officer to delegate the responsibility to subordinates, unless the terms of the provision specify otherwise.
      2.   Recognition Of Salt Lake City Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The city recognizes that Salt Lake City has extraterritorial jurisdiction for protection of its watershed located in the canyons east of Salt Lake City from City Creek Canyon south to Little Cottonwood Canyon. All development in the city that is also located within Salt Lake City's watershed areas shall be reviewed by Salt Lake City for compliance with the city's applicable watershed protection standards prior to city approval or final permitting. Maps delineating the boundaries of Salt Lake City's watershed areas are on file with the community development department. Such maps, as amended, are a part of this title as if fully described and detailed herein.
      3.   Inconsistent Provisions: When the provisions of this chapter are inconsistent with provisions found in other chapters of this title, or with provisions found in any other city ordinance or regulation, the most restrictive provision shall apply. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)