13.08.010: Three Step Review
13.08.020: Planned Unit Development
13.08.030: Subdivision
13.08.040: Conditional Use Permit
13.08.050: Projects In Holladay Village Zone
13.08.060: Projects In Office, Research Park And Development Zone
13.08.070: Site Development Plan In Foothills And Canyons Overlay Zone
13.08.080: Site Plan
13.08.090: Temporary Use Permit
13.08.100: Building Permit Zoning Compliance Review
13.08.110: Conversion To Condominium
13.08.120: Administrative Interpretation
13.08.130: Change Of Use
13.08.140: Special Exceptions
13.08.150: Special Exceptions Authorized (Rep. by Ord. 2021-04, 3-4-2021)
13.08.160: Projects In The Residential Office Development Zone
13.08.170: Other Applications Not Listed
A. Relevant Applications: The following land use applications as required by this chapter shall be submitted and reviewed in three (3) steps:
1. Subdivisions;
2. Amendments to recorded subdivisions;
3. Site plans for all non-residential developments and for all multi-family developments where there are more than two (2) dwelling units within one structure; and
4. Planned unit developments.
B. Approval Process: The requirements associated with each step shall be reviewed by the Community Development Director and the Technical Review Committee before an application and recommendations are forwarded to, and considered by, the appropriate Land Use Authority. The necessity of submitting revised and additional information, documents, and/or drawings shall be determined by the Land Use Authority or by the Community Development Director with advice from the Technical Review Committee. The steps in the approval process are as follows:
1. Step 1: Determination of Complete Application and Pre-application Meeting. Pre-Application Meeting with the TRC is optional, and available upon request of applicant;
2. Step 2: Preliminary (Planning Commission review and determination; public hearing required); and
3. Step 3: Final (Technical Review Committee review and determination).
C. Application Review Process:
1. The Community Development Director shall review the application for completeness and compliance with applicable regulations. The Community and Economic Development Director or designee shall notify the applicant of the staff determination of approval or denial (for noncompliance) of the application review with applicable findings and comments.
2. When the Community Development Director determines, after review of the application, that one or more of the application requirements and procedural steps are not applicable to the project under consideration, such requirements may be waived in writing.
3. The applicant shall address identified items and resubmit the information to the Community Development Director.
4. When the Community Development Director determines the application is complete, the application shall be forwarded to the Technical Review Committee and to such other governmental departments and agencies for review for review and recommendation.
5. The Community and Economic Development Director or designee shall notify the applicant of the recommendation of the Technical Review Committee; approval or denial (for noncompliance) of the application and, where applicable, the need for other information that may assist the Technical Review Committee to make its recommendation to the Planning Commission.
6. Upon recommendation from the technical review committee that an application meets applicable standards of this title, the community and economic development director shall forward the application to the planning commission.
D. Preliminary Review Process:
1. When the community development director and the technical review committee determine the application is substantially complete, the application shall be forwarded to the planning commission with the technical review committee’s recommendation.
2. The planning commission shall review the application at a regularly scheduled public hearing. Notice of the meeting shall made available as per public noticing provisions provided in Appendix C: “Noticing Requirements” of Title 13.
3. After review of the application at a public meeting the planning commission shall:
a. Approve the application with or without conditions or requirements;
b. Continue the application for further investigation, or postpone action to allow the applicant an opportunity to provide materials or additional information needed by the planning commission to take appropriate action; or
c. Deny the application and include findings material to the denial.
4. The community development director shall notify the applicant in writing of the planning commission action.
5. The planning commission may grant a one-year extension of preliminary approval of an application for good cause if the request for an extension is received prior to that date which is one year from date of the initial approval. In approving an extension, the planning commission may review and modify or amend the original approval conditions and requirements, subject to the same notice and process requirements used for the original approval.
E. Final Review Process:
1. Within one year after receiving approval of the preliminary application or an extension of an approval of a preliminary application by the planning commission, the applicant shall submit an application for final approval by the appropriate land use authority.
2. The Community Development Director shall review the application for completeness and compliance with applicable regulations. The Community and Economic Development Director or designee shall notify the applicant of the staff determination of approval or denial (for noncompliance) of the application review with applicable findings and comments
3. The community development director will distribute copies of the application to the technical review committee for review and recommendation.
4. If the application and all supplementary data comply with the applicable requirements, standards and regulations, the TRC shall approve the application.
5. Within ten (10) working days of the commission decision, the community development director shall notify the applicant in writing of the TRC’s action.
6. The basis for rejection of a final application shall be any of the following:
a. Its nonconformance to adopted rules, regulations and ordinances currently in force and affecting the land and its development;
b. Its lack of conformance with the approved preliminary plan application; or
c. Technical inaccuracies or insufficiencies, and poor workmanship in preparation of the plans and documents.
7. The City Engineer may execute a development agreement and shall establish the kind and amount of financial security as required by this title necessary to guarantee completion of the required public improvements.
8. Final approval of an application by the TRC as the land use authority, shall not relieve the applicant from obtaining other authorizations, permits, or licenses required under this title or other title of this code.
(Ord. 2016-04, 4-14-2016; amd. Ord. 2017-20, 8-3-2017; Ord. 2021-18, 8-5-2021; Ord. 2024-01, 2-1-2024)
For development and review procedures see chapter 13.78 of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
For development and review procedures see chapter 13.10 of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)