The purpose of this limited commercial zone is to provide areas within the city for the establishment of a variety of commercial uses, whether or not in conjunction with office or residential uses. The development standards in this chapter are intended to promote attractive development, support and maintain a viable economic climate within the city and to encourage compatibility between existing and new development. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
The following zone is established:
A. Neighborhood Commercial Zone (NC): The purpose of the NC zone is to set standards for areas where restricted and limited, small scale, low impact commercial uses are allowed adjacent to residential areas. The implementation of the NC zone is intended to be on a very limited basis and only on properties where the existing impacts of traffic, noise or other impacts make the property marginal for continued low density residential uses.
In evaluating any application for this zone, attention shall be given to safe and inviting pedestrian access from the surrounding neighborhood, current and projected traffic impacts, parking needs, past and present use of the site, abutting uses, hours of operation, historic significance of the property, and reuse versus redevelopment of the site. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)