The purpose of the utility and facility system placement regulations codified in this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city and to preserve and protect existing aesthetics, property values, and quality of life within residential and other areas of the city. It is the intent of this chapter to require that utility and facility systems be placed underground when new systems are installed or existing transmission systems are upgraded. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
See section 13.04.040 of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
Except as provided in section 13.79.040 of this chapter, the following systems shall be installed underground:
A. New Systems: All new systems installed after the effective date hereof.
B. Upgraded Systems: All upgraded transmission systems which would increase the height of poles to more than sixty feet (60') above existing grade. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)