13.32.010: Purpose
13.32.020: Two-Family Residential Zone, R-2-8
13.32.030: Two-Family Residential Zone, R-2-10
13.32.040: Multiple-Family Residential Zone, R-M
13.32.050: Primary Uses
13.32.060: Accessory Uses
13.32.070: Lot Regulations
13.32.080: Setback Regulations
13.32.090: Building Height
13.32.100: Coverage Regulations
13.32.110: Landscaping Regulations
13.32.120: Additional Regulations
13.32.130: Storage Of RVs, Boats And Travel Trailers
13.32.140: Informational
The purpose of this chapter is to provide areas for residential developments with opportunities for alternative housing in either attached or detached construction arrangements. Furthermore, the standards set forth in this chapter should support the goals of the general plan in particular, the encouragement of medium density housing in areas of the city near collector and major arterial streets as a transition between established single- family neighborhoods and other nonresidential uses. These regulations promote clustered developments by the use of graduated height, building envelope rules, maximum lot coverage, landscaping regulations and setback averaging, thereby conserving open space and views where it is consistent with surrounding neighborhoods. Recognizing that as individuals and families move from one stage of life to the next, providing a range of housing choices allows them the opportunity to live in housing that suits their needs and desires while allowing them to maintain their neighborhood and community bonds. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)