13.73.010: Purpose And Intent
13.73.020: Using This Chapter
13.73.030: Site Selection And Planning Standards
13.73.040: Building Scale And Design
13.73.050: Building Materials And Colors
13.73.060: Landscaping And Vegetation
13.73.070: Grading
13.73.080: Drainage
13.73.090: Access, Circulation And Off Street Parking
13.73.100: Fences
13.73.110: Night Lighting
13.73.120: Figures
A. The general purpose of these standards is to promote development that will balance the rights of the landowner with protection of the city's sensitive lands, especially its irreplaceable foothill and canyon environments. Many of these standards are broad in nature to allow flexibility in design so development can be evaluated on a site by site basis, while ensuring that development will be comparable with the natural landscape, and consistent with the public welfare.
B. The development standards contained herein are intended specifically to accomplish the following purposes:
1. Preserve and enhance the beauty of the landscape by encouraging the maximum retention of natural topographic features, such as drainage swales, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcroppings, vistas, natural plant formations, trees, and similar features;
2. Encouraging planning, design, and development of building sites in a manner that provides the maximum in safety and enjoyment while adapting development to, and taking advantage of, the best use of natural terrain;
3. Establish a foundation for development in sensitive lands to ensure a more harmonious relationship between manmade structures and the natural setting;
4. Direct new development in the canyons and foothills toward areas meeting suitability criteria as outlined in the general plan, and other applicable general or community plans. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
The development and design standards set forth in this chapter fall into two (2) categories:
A. Mandatory standards, which are identified by a "+" notation in the left hand margin; and
B. Advisory standards that are strongly encouraged, but not mandatory, which are identified by a "o" in the left hand margin.
Subdivisions and development subject to this chapter shall comply with all of the "+" standards and shall attempt to incorporate, to the extent feasible or practical, all of the "o" standards. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)