Article I. In General
   5-1   License - required
   5-2   Same - application
   5-3   Same - fees
   5-4   Seating capacity; standing during performances
   5-5   Obedience to chapter, etc.
   5-6   Audience to be orderly; fire, etc., risks
   5-7   Inspections
   5-8   Indecent shows, etc.
   5-9   Exhibition of criminals, etc.
   5-10   Shows, etc., tending to cause riots, etc.
   5-11   Approval of premises by director of public works
   5-12   Lighting of premises generally
   5-13   Lighting of exits; exit signs
   5-14   Obstruction of exits, passageways, etc.
Article II. Billiards and Pool
   5-15   License - required; fee
   5-16   Same - good character of applicant a prerequisite to issuance; investigation of applicant, etc.
   5-17   Hours of operation
   5-18   Conduct of patrons, gambling, etc.
   5-19   Minors under 16 years of age
   5-20   Inspections by police
Article III. Bowling Alleys
   5-21   License - required; application
   5-22   Same - fee
   5-23   Hours of operation
   5-24   Minors under 16 years of age
Article IV. Motion Pictures
   5-25   License to operate motion picture projector - required
   5-26   Same - qualifications of operator; duration
   5-27   Same - fee
   5-28   Theatre projector permit; fee
   5-29   Prohibited pictures
   5-30   Crowding in theatres
   5-31   Obstructing exits, etc.
   5-32   Projection booths
   5-33   Hours of business for theatres
   5-34   Assignment of licenses and permits
   5-35   Violations of article
Article V. Public Dance Halls
   5-36   License - required; issuance
   5-37   Same - application; fees
   5-38   Inspections; exits
Article VI. Meetings on Public Property
   5-39   Approval or permit required
   5-40   Application for permit
   5-41   Bond; reimbursement of costs
Article VII. Commercial Filming or Taping on Public Property
(Ord. No. 96-4-2000)
   5-42   Permit - required
   5-43   Application for permit
   5-44   Application fee
   5-45   Rights of the village
   5-46   Rates for use of village personnel, equipment and property
   5-47   Bond
Article VIII. Special Events
(Ord. No. 06-13-3155)
   5-48   Definition of special event
   5-49   Permit required
   5-50   Permit fee; security; reimbursement of costs
   5-51   Compliance with laws
   As to proximity of filling stations to theatres, etc., see § 15-6
Statutory reference:
   For state law as to authority of village to license, tax and regulate places of amusement, etc., see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 11-42-5
   For state law as to authority of village to license, regulate, etc., billiards and pool, see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 11-42-2
   For state law as to the authority of village to license, regulate, etc., bowling alleys, see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 11-42-2
   For state law as to authority of village to license, regulate, etc., places of amusement, see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 11-42-5
   For state law as to authority of village to license, regulate, etc., theatricals, places of amusements, etc., see Ill. Rev. Stat. 1963, ch. 24, § 11-42-5