(a)   Moving picture projecting machine and devices temporarily installed in assembly rooms or halls shall be placed in an enclosure or booth made of suitable fireproof material, or lined or covered with suitable fireproof material. Such enclosure or booth shall be thoroughly ventilated and large enough for the operator to walk freely on either side of and back of the machine. All openings into this enclosure or booth shall be arranged so as to be entirely closed by doors or shutters of like material and held normally closed by springs, hinges or other devices. All other provisions of the building code of the village, as amended, and future amendments thereto, shall apply to and govern the operation and use of such booths.
   (b)   It shall be unlawful for any person at any time to smoke, or to carry or use lighted matches or to use fire or an open light, or oil, gas or illuminating lamps in an operating booth while any motion picture projecting device is being operated, or during the time any audience is in the building; provided, that such lights as may be necessary for use in operating such machine only may be used.
(1929 Code, §§ 382, 383)