General Provisions
   15.15.005   Title
   15.15.010   Purpose and intent
   15.15.015   Interpretation
   15.15.020   Control over use
   15.15.025   Control over bulk
   15.15.030   Number of buildings on a lot
   15.15.035   Lot division
   15.15.040   Yards
   15.15.045   Setbacks along street
   15.15.050   Accessory buildings, structures and uses
   15.15.055   Permitted accessory buildings, structures and uses in required yards
   15.15.060   Vision clearance for corner lots
   15.15.065   Trailers, mobile homes and boats
   15.15.070   Cargo containers
   15.15.075   Sewerage and water systems
   15.15.080   Building height
   15.15.085   Exemptions
   15.15.090   Fees and requirements for zoning request
   15.15.095   Rules
   15.15.100   Definitions
Zoning Districts
   15.15.120   Establishment of districts
   15.15.125   Zoning district map and boundaries of districts
   15.15.130   Annexed territory
Agriculture District
   15.15.145   Preamble
   15.15.150   Agriculture District provisions
   15.15.155   Conditional permitted uses
Residence Districts
   15.15.170   Preamble
   15.15.175   Residence Districts; provisions
   15.15.180   R-1 Single-Family Residence District
   15.15.185   R-2 Single-Family Residence District
   15.15.190   R-2A Single-Family Attached Residence District
   15.15.195   R-3 Single-Family Attached and Multiple-Family Residence District
   15.15.200   R-4 Mobile Home standards
Business Districts
   15.15.220   Preamble
   15.15.225   Business Districts; provisions
   15.15.230   B-1 Business District
   15.15.235   B-2 Commercial District
   15.15.240   B-3 Commercial District
Manufacturing Districts
   15.15.260   Preamble
   15.15.265   Use regulations
   15.15.270   M-1 Manufacturing District
   15.15.275   M-2 Manufacturing District
Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading
   15.15.295   Off-street parking
   15.15.300   Off-street loading facilities
Non-Conforming Buildings, Structures and Uses
   15.15.320   Preamble
   15.15.325   Authority to continue non- conforming buildings, structures and uses
Administration and Enforcement
   15.15.340   Organization
   15.15.345   The Office of the Zoning Officer
   15.15.350   Zoning certificates
   15.15.355   Filing plans
   15.15.360   Certificate of occupancy
   15.15.365   Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board
   15.15.370   Variations
   15.15.375   Appeals
   15.15.380   Amendments
   15.15.385   Conditional permitted uses
   15.15.390   The Village Council
Planned Development
   15.15.410   Purpose
   15.15.415   Applicability
   15.15.420   Development standards
   15.15.425   Permitted variations from village ordinances
   15.15.430   Approval procedures for planned developments
   15.15.435   Content of planned development applications
   15.15.440   Findings of fact
   15.15.445   Compliance, amendments and revocation
   15.15.450   Public hearings; notice and conduct
   15.15.999   Penalty