(A)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Multiple-family dwellings; and
      (2)   Accessory uses as set forth herein.
   (B)   Conditional permitted uses.
      (1)   Any of the conditional permitted uses permitted in the R-2 Single-Family Residence District;
      (2)   Tourist homes having not more than five rooms for transient guests on a lot not less than one acre in area;
      (3)   Childrens, pre-school, nursery school and day care centers; and
      (4)   Planned development.
   (C)   Lot area per dwelling.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwelling not less than 9,600 square feet.
      (2)   Single-family semi-detached dwelling (duplex building) not less than 6,000 square feet per dwelling unit.
      (3)   Single-family semi-detached dwelling having a party wall common with a single-family attached dwelling, single-family attached dwelling and multiple-family dwelling as follows:
Type of Dwelling Unit
Minimum Lot Area Per Dwelling Unit in Square Feet
Four bedroom and over
Three bedroom
Two bedroom
One bedroom and efficiency
      (4)   Two-family detached dwellings not less than 11,000 square feet.
      (5)   Non-residential uses not less than 15,000 square feet unless otherwise specified.
      (6)   All residential uses permitted in this district shall be served by public or community water and sanitary sewer systems.
   (D)   Lot width.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwelling not less than 80 feet.
      (2)   Two-family detached dwelling not less than 80 feet.
      (3)   Single-family semi-detached dwelling (duplex building) not less than 100 feet and not less than 50 feet for each dwelling.
      (4)   Two single-family semi-detached dwellings and one single-family attached dwelling (row house building) not less than 88 feet, plus not less than 20 feet of additional lot width for each additional single-family attached dwelling in a building.
      (5)   Multiple-family dwelling not less than 100 feet.
   (E)   Floor area ratio.
      (1)   Single-family detached dwelling not applicable.
      (2)   Multiple-family dwelling and non- residential uses:
         (a)   For one-story structures, not more than zero to three; and
         (b)   For structures having two stories or more, not more than zero to five.
   (F)   Building height.
      (1)   As in the R-1 District.
      (2)   Two-family detached and multiple- family dwellings, not more than two stories or 25 feet whichever is lower.
   (G)   Ground floor area per single-family dwelling.  As in the R-2 District.
   (H)   Yards.  Except as may be herein otherwise required, yards shall be in accordance with the following regulations:
Minimum Setbacks
Dwelling Type
Front Yard
Side Yards**
Rear Yard
25 feet
12 feet***
40 feet
Where a side yard adjoins a street, the minimum width shall not be less than 25 feet.
** A side yard on each side of the lot of not less than 10% of the lot width.
*** Two side yards each not less than 12 feet in depth, except for structures more than 30 feet in length, measured perpendicular to the front lot line, an interior side yard shall be increased in depth by one-half foot for each foot the building exceeds 30 feet in length.
NA: Not applicable.
   (I)   Spacing between structures.  When two or more structures which contain single-family detached dwellings, single-family attached dwellings, single- family semi-detached dwellings or two or more multiple-family dwelling structures or combination thereof, are on a lot or on contiguous lots comprising a unified development under the same ownership or control, the distance between the structure walls shall be as follows.
      (1)   When the front wall of a structure faces the front wall or rear wall of the nearest structure, the distance between the two structure walls shall be not less than 60 feet.
      (2)   When the rear wall of a structure faces the rear wall of the nearest structure, the distance between the two structure walls shall be not less than 50 feet.
      (3)   When the side wall of a structure faces the front or rear wall of the nearest structure, the distance between the two structure walls shall be not less than 40 feet, except when the side wall contains more than two windows on a floor that are not from bathrooms or storage rooms, the distances between structures shall be not less than 50 feet, or 60 feet if a main entrance doorway is in such a side wall.
      (4)   When the side wall of a structure faces the side wall of the nearest structure, the distance between the two structure walls shall be not less than 20 feet, except when the facing side walls of either of the structures contain more than two windows on a floor that are not from bathrooms or storage rooms, the distance between the two structures shall be not less than 50 feet, or 60 feet if a main entrance doorway is in such a side wall.
      (5)   A wall of a structure forming the end of a court shall be not less than ten feet from the nearest wall of a structure forming the side of the court, and a structure forming the end of the court may be attached to one or both of the structures forming the sides of the court, provided the distance between facing walls of the structures forming the sides of the court is not less than the applicable requirements as set forth above.
      (6)   Where structures are not parallel to each other the required spacing shall be measured at the midpoint of the distance along which they face each other, however, the spacing between the structures at the narrowest point shall in no event be less than one-half the required distance.
   (J)   Off-street parking and off-street loading.  In accordance with regulations herein set forth in §§ 15.15.295 and 15.15.300.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § VIII-E; Ord. G98-160, passed 4-13-1998; VG06-417, passed 10-23-2006; Ord. G-144, passed 5-28-1996; Ord. VG06-416, passed 10-23-2006)