(A)   Accessory buildings, structures and uses shall be compatible with the principal use, shall not be erected or altered in required yards except those that are herein permitted as obstructions in yards, and shall not be established prior to the establishment of the principal use.
   (B)   Accessory uses shall not include the keeping, propagation or culture of pigeons, poultry, rabbits, bees, livestock or other non-household animals, whether or not for profit, except on the lots where the pursuit of agriculture is a permitted principal or accessory use.
   (C)   No detached building accessory to a single- family detached dwelling hereafter erected or altered at any location on a lot, shall be more than one story or 15 feet in height, whichever is lower, nor shall it be nearer than ten feet from the principal building on the lot.
   (D)   Except as herein otherwise required for a specific accessory use, detached accessory buildings, as herein permitted as obstructions in required rear yards, shall:
      (1)   (For buildings at least 440 square feet) be not more than one story and not more than 18 feet in height and the interior ceiling shall not be more than  ten feet in height. All measurements shall be taken from floor height;
      (2)   Cover not more than 30% of the area of the rear yard;
      (3)   Be located not less than five feet from a lot line of adjoining lots, except:
         (a)   On corner lots, not nearer to the side street lot line than the distance required in the district in which the lot is located for a side yard adjoining a street; and
         (b)   On through lots that do not have a rear lot line adjoining a no-access strip not nearer to the rear lot line adjoining a street than the distance required for a front yard.
      (4)   If less than 440 square feet, the building shall not be more than one story and 15 feet in height.
   (E)   (1)   Fences. Although an accessory structure, it shall not be subject to the aforesaid setback requirements of other accessory building structures and uses.
      (2)   Decorative landscaping. Shall be allowed on the front yard corner of lots so long as the landscaping shall not exceed 30 inches in height. The height to be determined from the level of the village sidewalk and if none from the crown of the adjoining street.
      (3)   Decorative fencing.
         (a)   Decorative fencing that is non- continuous shall be allowed on the front yard setback of residential lots.
         (b)   The fence shall consist of decorative wood or wrought iron and shall not affect visibility by more than 20% and shall not exceed 42 inches in height.
         (c)   The decorative fencing must have an un-gated access opening of at least 42 inches and may not form a complete enclosure.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § V-G; Ord. G-136, passed 4-24-1995; Ord. G98-160, passed 4-13-1998; Ord. G-98-162, passed 8-24-1998; Ord. G99-167, passed 8-9-1999)