The Business District regulations are designed to accommodate prime retail trade activities of the village and environs significance, located primarily within the core of the village’s business area. Regulations provide for a wide variety of related shopper type business establishments along with personal service and other complementary uses.
(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Art galleries and antique shops;
(2) Art and school supply stores;
(3) Automobile accessory stores;
(4) Bakeries;
(5) Banks and financial institutions;
(6) Barber shops and beauty parlors;
(7) Book, stationery and office supply stores;
(8) Business machine sales and service;
(9) Camera and photographic supply stores;
(10) Candy and ice cream stores;
(11) Catalog sales stores and mail order service stores;
(12) China and glassware stores;
(13) Clothing stores;
(14) Clubs or lodges;
(15) Coin and philatelic stores;
(16) Currency exchanges;
(17) Department stores;
(18) Drug stores;
(19) Dry-cleaning and laundry receiving stations, including self-service coin operated equipment;
(20) Dry goods stores;
(21) Flower and gift shops;
(22) Fraternal, philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions;
(23) Frozen food stores, including locker rental in conjunction therewith;
(24) Furniture stores, including upholstering when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use;
(25) Furrier shops, including the incidental storage and conditioning of furs;
(26) Garden supply store with no outdoor storage or display of merchandise;
(27) Grocery stores, supermarkets, meat and fish markets and delicatessens;
(28) Hardware stores, retail and wholesale;
(29) Hobby shops;
(30) Household appliance stores, including radio and television sales with incidental repair facilities;
(31) Interior decorating shops, including upholstery and making of draperies, slip covers and other similar articles when conducted as part of the retail operations and secondary to the principal use;
(32) Jewelry stores;
(33) Laboratories, medical, dental or optical, when located above the first story or as accessory to a principal use occupying the first story;
(34) Leather goods and luggage stores;
(35) Libraries, public and private;
(26) Liquor stores, package;
(37) Loan offices;
(38) Locksmith’s shops;
(39) Magazine and news stores;
(40) Millinery shops;
(41) Music stores, phonographs, phonograph records, sheet music, musical instrument sales and repair;
(42) Newspaper offices, including printing;
(43) News stands;
(44) Offices, professional or business;
(45) Paint and wallpaper stores;
(46) Pawn shops;
(47) Photography studios, including developing and printing of photographs when conducted on the premises as part of the retail business;
(48) Picture framing;
(49) Post offices;
(50) Radio and television broadcasting studios;
(51) Restaurants, which may include accessory cocktail lounges;
(52) Shore stores;
(53) Shoe and hat repair stores;
(54) Sporting goods stores;
(55) Tailor shops;
(56) Taverns;
(57) Telephone booths, outdoor;
(58) Theaters;
(59) Tobacco shops;
(60) Toy stores;
(61) Travel bureaus and ticket offices;
(62) Undertaking establishments and funeral parlors;
(63) Vending machines;
(64) Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses, including but not limited to off-street parking, off-street loading and business signs as herein regulated and dwelling unit or lodging rooms when above the first story; and
(65) Children’s, pre-school, nursery school and day care centers.
(B) Conditional permitted uses.
(1) Other uses similar to permitted uses in this district;
(2) Automobile sales establishments for only authorized new passenger automobile sales agencies and accessory open sales lots and public garage;
(3) Automobile service stations, on a lot not less than 10,000 square feet in area;
(4) Catering establishments, when located above the ground floor, or not less than 50 feet from the front lot line on the ground floor;
(5) Garages, storage or off-street parking lots or structures, commercial or governmental;
(6) Meeting halls, when located above the ground floor, or not less than 50 feet from the front lot line on the ground floor;
(7) Printing and publishing, when a principal use or accessory use provided printing and storage operations are in the principal building but located above the ground floor, or not less than 50 feet from the front lot line on the ground floor;
(8) Restricted production and repair, limited to the following: Needlework; clothing, such as custom manufacturing and alterations; jewelry from precious metals; watches, dentures and optical lenses;
(9) Schools, commercial or trade, including those teaching music, dancing, business, commercial or technical subjects when operations do not involve danger of fire and explosion, and objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, glare, heat or other similar influences; and
(10) Planned development.
(C) Lot area. Minimum lot area shall be in accordance with bulk and off-street parking and loading requirements of the District and as specifically required for a conditional permitted use.
(D) Yards.
(1) Front yard. No yard requirements.
(2) Side yard. No yard requirements, except if a yard is provided it shall not be less than five feet in width, except where the side lot adjoins a residence district a side yard not less than ten feet in width shall be provided, and be maintained as landscaped area.
(3) Rear yard. No yard requirement, except where the rear lot line adjoins a residence district, a rear yard not less than 25 feet in depth shall be provided and maintained as landscaped area.
(E) Floor area ratio. Not to exceed one to zero.
(F) Building height. No height limitations.
(G) Awnings, marquees and signs. Awnings, marquees and non-flashing illuminated business signs with no moving parts are permitted subject to applicable regulations set forth in other ordinances of the village and the following:
(1) A sign in direct line of vision of any traffic signal shall not have red, green or amber illumination.
(2) The gross surface area in square feet of all signs on a lot shall be not more than three times the number of linear feet in the length of the building wall facing the front lot line. On a corner or through lot, each lot line adjoining a street shall be considered a separate front lot line.
(3) All signs shall be affixed against the building walls and not extend therefrom more than 12 inches.
(4) In a planned development one ground sign facing each street which identifies the name and address of the shopping center and a bulletin area for advertising special features therein may be erected in addition to the signs affixed to the building walls. The ground sign shall be not less than ten feet from any lot line and have a gross surface area of not more than 160 square feet which may be in addition to the maximum gross surface area as permitted in division (G)(2) above.
(5) A sign affixed to a building shall not project higher than five feet above building height. A ground sign shall not project higher than 30 feet above the grade below it, and when located within 50 feet of the intersection of two or more streets, it shall have its lowest level not less than eight feet above the grade below it, and when located within three feet of a driveway or parking area, it shall have the lowest level not less than 12 feet above the grade below it.
(6) Awnings and marquees shall have a headroom of not less than eight feet.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § IX-C; Ord. G-144, passed 5-28-1996; Ord. VG06-416, passed 10-23-2006)