The regulations of this chapter shall not be exercised so as to:
(A) Deprive the owner of any existing property of its use or maintenance for the purpose to which it is lawfully devoted at the time of enactment of this chapter or subsequent amendments thereto;
(B) Impose regulations or require permits (except as herein outlined) with respect to land used or to be used for agricultural purposes or with respect to the erection, maintenance, repair, alteration, remodeling or extension of buildings used or to be used for the agricultural purposes upon the land except that the building for agricultural purposes may be required to conform to building or setback lines; and
(C) Specify or regulate the type or location of any poles, towers, wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals or any other similar distributing equipment of a public utility as defined in “An Act Concerning Public Utilities” enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Illinois.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § V-N)