(A) Permitted uses.
(1) Agriculture on a lot not less than 20 acres in area. After the effective date of this chapter, the following uses, either as a dominate or accessory use in the pursuit of agriculture, shall not be established, and existing structures shall not hereafter be structurally altered or enlarged:
(a) Commercial livestock feed lots located nearer than 1,320 feet (80 rods) from an existing dwelling or a Residence District boundary line; and
(b) Land used for the disposal of garbage, sewage, rubbish or offal.
(2) Cemeteries, including crematories and mausoleums provided no buildings shall be located less than 330 feet (20 rods) from a lot line;
(3) Churches, temples or synagogues;
(4) Dog kennels; provided no buildings or structures are located less than 100 feet from a lot line;
(5) Golf courses, regulation size, but not including “par 3” golf courses, commercially operated driving ranges or miniature golf courses; and provided that no clubhouse or accessory building shall be located less than 200 feet from a lot line;
(6) Greenhouses, wholesale or retail;
(7) Home occupations;
(8) Hospitals; on a lot not less than ten acres in area;
(9) Milk depots;
(10) Parks, forest preserves and recreational areas, when publicly owned and operated;
(11) Private recreational areas or camps, when not operated for profit;
(12) Railroad rights-of-way and trackage;
(13) Rest homes, nursing homes, sanitariums and institutions for children and the aged;
(14) Schools, public or private; day or nursery, elementary, junior high and high;
(15) Seminaries, convents, monasteries and similar religious institutions;
(16) Single-family detached dwelling on a lot not less than three acres in area and 198 feet (12 rods) in width;
(17) Temporary buildings for construction purposes for a period not to exceed the construction and when located on the same lot where the construction is being undertaken or a contiguous lot thereto; and
(18) Accessory uses; uses, buildings and structures, accessory to agricultural uses:
(a) Those customarily accessory to the pursuit of agriculture provided that buildings and structures for the shelter of farm animals are set back no less than 100 feet from a property line; and
(b) Roadside stands for the sale of farm products grown and raised on the farmers land, but not including live animals, and provided that the stand shall contain not more than 600 square feet of floor area. The stand, and items on sale, shall not be located nearer than 50 feet from a street or highway right-of-way line, except a temporary roadside stand may be within ten feet of a street or highway right-of- way line provided the stand shall be at the location only during the harvest season of the garden products sold. There shall be provided with each roadside stand facilities approved by the Building Inspector for vehicular ingress and egress and adequate off-street parking facilities for the customers.
(B) Conditional permitted uses.
(1) Airports, public or private in conformance with Federal Aviation Agency Standards;
(2) Community centers and fair grounds for such uses as: agricultural fairs, exhibits conducted by rural and agricultural organizations and other public or semi-public voluntary organizations, provided that no commercial race tracks shall be erected or operated. The operations of all uses shall conform with performance standards set forth herein in the M-1 Manufacturing District. The setback areas bordering the property lines shall be landscaped and so maintained as permanent open areas but may contain driveways, walks, fences and buildings or structures at entrances for admission controls;
(3) Colleges, junior colleges and universities including fraternity and sorority houses, dormitories and other accessory structures, and facilities necessary to the operation of a college or university on a lot not less than ten acres in area and provided no buildings, structures or use of land, including off-street parking and loading spaces, shall be located nearer than 100 feet from a lot line;
(4) General uses; each of the conditional permitted uses hereunder shall be on a lot which is located no nearer than 500 feet from a residence district boundary line. On such lots, no buildings, structure or use of land, including off-street parking and loading spaces, but not including growing of farm crops, floriculture or horticulture, shall be located nearer than 100 feet from a lot line except as hereinafter set forth for excavations. Mining, loading and hauling of coal, clay, sand, gravel, topsoil or other aggregate or minerals, and oil or gas well drilling, including equipment, buildings, or structures, for screening, crushing, mixing, washing or storage, provided that:
(a) No excavation shall take place within 40 feet of any property line fronting upon a public road or a greater distance if required by Illinois Statute;
(b) The entire property is fenced in by a statutory fence;
(c) A plan of development for the reclamation of the land is provided as part of the application for a conditional use permit; and
(d) Buildings, structures, equipment and operations for processing on the premises of material secured by the uses shall be allowed only when authorized by the Village Council for a specified period of time, and provided the operations set forth in the M-2 Manufacturing District measured at the lot line.
(5) Grain storage when not accessory to the pursuit of agriculture;
(6) Heliports, public or private; on a lot not less than one acre in area;
(7) Marinas; including boat storage and incidental service facilities and clubhouses or recreation buildings; on a lot not less than one acre in area;
(8) Outdoor recreational areas, private; used for one of the following uses: equestrian sports, horse shows and hunter trails; dog shows and field trails; hunt clubs and gun clubs; conservation clubs; archery ranges; fishing ponds; swimming clubs and tennis clubs; picnic and camping grounds; and accessory buildings, structures or uses such as off- street parking and loading spaces, administration, maintenance and clubhouse buildings, including sale of food and beverages, provided that the accessory buildings and uses are located not less than 200 feet from a lot line;
(9) Resorts, privately owned and operated containing dwelling units and lodging rooms for guests and employees of the resort; indoor recreation facilities for use only by guests of the resort and when located in the principal building or a detached recreation building or clubhouse; and outdoor recreation facilities; on a not less than 20 acres in area and provided no building or structure are located less than 200 feet from a lot line;
(10) Public service uses:
(a) Filtration plant, pumping station, well and water reservoir;
(b) Sewage treatment plant;
(c) Police and fire stations; and
(d) Other governmental uses.
(11) Planned Development.
(C) Lot area. Not less than five acres, except as otherwise regulated herein for a specific permitted or conditional permitted use.
(D) Lot width. Not less than 330 feet (20 rods) except as otherwise regulated herein for a specific permitted or conditional permitted use.
(E) Floor area ratio. Not to exceed zero to one.
(F) Yards. Except as may be herein otherwise required, yards shall be in accordance with the following regulations.
(1) Front yard. Not less than 50 feet.
(2) Side yards. Not less than 30 feet for an interior side yard and not less than 50 feet for a side yard adjoining a street.
(3) Rear yard. Not less than 100 feet.
(G) Signs. Non-flashing, illuminated or non- illuminated signs are permitted under the conditions specified:
(1) Nameplate and identification signs; subject to the following.
(a) Agricultural use. Area and content: There shall be not more than one nameplate, not exceeding ten square feet in area, for each principal farm dwelling, indicating the name of the occupant and specialized agricultural activities except, on a corner lot, two such nameplates for each dwelling unit shall be permitted. Signs required for crop identification during the growing seasons shall be permitted.
(b) Non-agricultural use. Area and content: A single identification sign, not exceeding 16 square feet in area. On a corner lot, two such signs, one facing each street, shall be permitted.
(c) Projection. No sign shall be nearer than 15 feet from a lot line adjoining a street.
(d) Height. No sign shall project higher than 15 feet above curb level.
(2) “For Sale” and “To Rent” signs: subject to the following.
(a) Area and number. No sign shall exceed 12 square feet in area and there shall be not more than one sign facing each street.
(b) Projection. No sign shall project beyond the property line.
(c) Height. No sign shall project higher than 15 feet above curb level.
(3) Advertising signs (specifically including billboard signs) shall be prohibited in an Agricultural Zoning District.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § VII-B; Ord. VG06-416, passed 10-23-2006)