Unless otherwise provided in the regulations of this chapter, the following provisions shall apply to all residence districts.
   (A)   Signs.
      (1)   “For Sale” and “For Rent” signs appertaining to the sale or rental of property on which they are located shall be permitted in accordance with the following regulations. There shall be not more than one sign on a lot, except on a corner lot or through lot, one such sign facing each street shall be permitted. A sign shall not have more than 12 square feet of area and it shall be located not less than eight feet from the nearest lot line. Such a sign when affixed to a building wall shall not project higher than ten feet above grade, and a ground site shall not project higher than five feet above the ground grade elevation below it. Such a sign shall not be illuminated.
      (2)   Identification signs for non-resident uses shall be permitted in accordance with the following regulations. One identification sign affixed flat against a building wall and one ground sign which in both cases may be illuminated by non-flashing direct or indirect illumination arranged in a manner that direct rays of light are not beamed onto adjoining lots and streets, shall be permitted, and on a corner or through lot, one additional sign shall be permitted facing each street. Each sign shall contain not more than 16 square feet of area and when:
         (a)   Affixed to a building wall, it shall not project higher than ten feet above floor grade at entrance doorways; and
         (b)   A ground sign shall not project higher than ten feet above the ground grade elevation below it and shall not be located nearer than eight feet from the nearest lot line except on a corner lot the placement of signs shall be in accordance with the standards set forth in § 15.15.020.
      (3)   Temporary signs for unified housing developments are permitted in accordance with the following. In a unified housing development containing more than ten dwelling units, initially under single ownership or control, one sign containing not more than 180 square feet of gross surface area may be erected along each street frontage of the development. The signs:
         (a)   May be illuminated with non- flashing illumination provided direct rays of light are not beamed onto adjacent lots or streets;
         (b)   Shall not project higher than 25 feet above grade;
         (c)   Shall not be located nearer than 15 feet from a property line except it shall not be nearer than 50 feet from the lot corner formed by the intersection of any two street right-of-way lines; and
         (d)   Shall be removed within three months after completion of construction of the development, or one year after the first dwelling unit is occupied, whichever is sooner.
   (B)   Home occupations.  In all Residence Districts any customary home occupation shall be permitted provided:
      (1)   It is conducted entirely within the dwelling or an attached or detached garage, and only by members of the family residing in the dwelling, and when the home occupations is incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes;
      (2)   It does not require internal or external alteration, or involve construction features or use of equipment not customary in a dwelling, and not more than one-fourth of the floor area of a story (including also a cellar of the dwelling) shall be devoted to the home occupation;
      (3)   There is no display or activity that will indicate from the exterior of a dwelling that is being used for any use other than a dwelling, except one nameplate, no more than one square foot in area which contains only the name of the occupant of the dwelling and the home occupation conducted therein and is attached to the dwelling and not illuminated shall be permitted;
      (4)   No mechanical equipment is used, except such as is customarily used for purely domestic or household purposes;
      (5)   Stock in trade, including that which is produced on the premises, shall not require receipt or delivery of merchandise, goods or equipment by other than by United States letter carrier mail, similar parcel delivery service or by private passenger automobile; and
      (6)   There is no activity between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § VIII-B)