The Commercial District classification is established to accommodate a wide range of specialized commercial uses including highway oriented service and commercial types of establishments to serve the needs of the motorists. In addition, those shopper and personal service types of business establishments permitted in the B-1 District are also permitted uses in the Commercial District. The Commercial Districts may be located adjacent to the Business Districts to form a complete business center, or may be commercial areas consisting entirely of specialized commercial activities.
   (A)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Uses permitted in the B-1 District;
      (2)   Amusement establishments, bowling alleys, billiard parlors, gymnasiums, swimming pools and clubs and recreation centers containing one or more of the above uses and other recreation uses as approved by the Village Council;
      (3)   Auction rooms, clubs and hotels;
      (4)   Automobile and truck sales establishments;
      (5)   Automobile service stations;
      (6)   Bakeries, including sale of bakery products to restaurants, institutions and similar establishments;
      (7)   Battery and tire sales and service establishments;
      (8)   Blueprinting and photostating establishments;
      (9)   Boat sales, rentals, storage and repair including sales and service of marine motors, boat parts and accessories and boat fuel;
      (10)   Building material sales with outdoor storage, when the area for outside storage is completely surrounded by a uniformly painted solid fence or wall not over eight feet in height and no storage shall project higher than the height of the fence or wall;
      (11)   Catering establishments;
      (12)   Clubs or lodges; private, fraternal or religious;
      (13)   Contractors’ offices and shops;
      (14)   Drive-in establishments; except theaters;
      (15)   Dry-cleaning and laundry establishments - provided that not more than 2,500 square feet of floor area shall be devoted to dry cleaning, pressing or laundering processes other than self-service coin-operated facilities;
      (16)   Feed, fertilizer and seed stores;
      (17)   Fraternal, philanthropic and eleemosynary institutions;
      (18)   Frozen food lockers;
      (19)   Fruit and vegetable stands;
      (20)   Fuel and ice retail sales establishments;
      (21)   Garages, including painting, body and fender work and motor rebuilding;
      (22)   Grain elevators;
      (23)   Greenhouses, garden centers and nurseries; retail and wholesale sales;
      (24)   Highway maintenance shops and yards;
      (25)   Laboratories; medical, dental and optical;
      (26)   Linen, towel or diaper service establishments;
      (27)   Live bait stores;
      (28)   Machine, sheet metal, or welding shops, provided a building for the use shall contain not more than 5,000 square feet of floor area, and operations are within the enclosed building and glare from welding operations is not visible from outside the building;
      (29)   Machinery and equipment sales establishments, construction and agriculture;
      (30)   Mail order houses, order and service centers;
      (31)   Meat markets, including sale of meats to restaurants, clubs, hotels, institutions and similar establishments;
      (32)   Medical and dental clinics;
      (33)   Meeting halls, convention or exhibition halls;
      (34)   Mobile homes, trailer and model garage display and sales establishments;
      (35)   Monument sales;
      (36)   Motels and hotels;
      (37)   Newspaper distribution agencies; for home delivery and retail trade;
      (38)   Newspaper offices; including printing;
      (39)   Open sales lots;
      (40)   Packing and crating establishments;
      (41)   Parcel delivery stations;
      (42)   Parks, athletic fields, stadiums, arenas or recreation buildings;
      (43)   Pet service, domestic;
      (44)   Pet shops;
      (45)   Plumbing, electrical or heating, fixture and equipment; sales, service;
      (46)   Printing, publishing or lithography establishments; maximum gross floor area of 6,000 square feet;
      (47)   Public utility and governmental service uses;
      (48)   Radio and television stations, and towers transmitting and receiving;
      (49)   Religious institutions; churches, chapels, temples and synagogues, convents, monasteries and theological schools;
      (50)   Research laboratories;
      (51)   Restaurants; including entertainment, dancing and serving of alcoholic beverages;
      (52)   Schools, commercial or trade; including those teaching music, dancing, business, commercial or technical subjects when operations do not involve danger of fire and explosion and objectionable noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, glare, heat or other similar influences;
      (53)   Self-service stores; coin-operated vending machines;
      (54)   Taxidermists;
      (55)   Taverns;
      (56)   Temporary buildings for construction purposes for a period not to exceed the duration of construction;
      (57)   Training centers, engineering or sales;
      (58)   Wholesale and warehouse establishments; except for the sales or storage of flammable liquids, materials or gases, except those that are in the original sealed containers; and
      (59)   Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above permitted uses including but not limited to off-street parking, off-street loading and signs as herein regulated and dwelling units or lodging rooms customarily accessory to religious institutional uses and clubs and lodges.
   (B)   Conditional permitted uses.
      (1)   Other uses similar to the above permitted uses;
      (2)   Amusement establishments outdoor; “par 3” miniature or pitch and putt golf courses, golf driving ranges and similar recreation facilities; on a lot not less than one acre in area;
      (3)   Animal hospitals; on a lot not less than 20,000 square feet in area;
      (4)   Automobile laundries; on a lot not less than 20,000 square feet in area;
      (5)   Cartage, express and parcel delivery establishments, not including motor freight terminals, on a lot not less than one acre in area;
      (6)   Radio and television towers, receiving or transmitting;
      (7)   Railroad rights-of-way;
      (8)   Re-bound tumbling (trampoline) centers;
      (9)   Single-family dwellings when designed as an integral part of a building, the principal use of which is a permitted or conditional permitted use and when occupied by the proprietor of the use;
      (10)   Theaters, outdoor, provided that vehicular entrance and exit driveways intersect with a secondary or primary thoroughfare and traffic signal lights or other means of traffic control are provided. Reservoir parking spaces for temporary parking of automobiles of patrons awaiting entrance shall be provided on the lot, in the amount of not less than the number of parking spaces equivalent to 10% of the vehicular capacity of the theater. No building or structure shall be located nearer than 100 feet from a residence district boundary line. Artificial illumination shall be arranged in such a manner that direct rays of light shall not beam upon adjoining properties and streets;
      (11)   Accessory uses customarily incidental to the above conditional permitted uses including but not limited to off-street parking, off-street loading and signs as herein regulated;
      (12)   (a)   One advertising sign shall be permitted on a tract of land having not less than 1,000 lineal feet of frontage on a county, state or federal highway, and one additional advertising sign shall be permitted for each additional 1,000 lineal feet of highway frontage provided that not more than two sign structures are joined together and there is an interval of at least 1,000 feet between a single-sign or double-sign structure;
         (b)   1.   Each advertising sign structure shall contain not more than two display surfaces and have a total length and height of not more than the dimension necessary to secure a standardized poster panel display surface 15 feet by 25 feet or a standardized painted bulletin display surface 15 by 55 feet.
            2.   The sign structure shall not project higher than 30 feet above average ground grade at the sign structure or above grade of the near edge of the roadway pavement at a point directly opposite the sign structure, whichever is higher; and
         (c)   Location of advertising signs shall be in accordance with the following:
            1.   Not less than 50 feet from a property line; and
            2.   Not less than 100 feet from a Residence District boundary line.
         (d)   A permit fee of $500 shall be paid by the owner of the advertising sign on an annual basis; and
      (13)   Planned development.
   (C)   Lot area and lot width. Except as may herein otherwise be required for a specific permitted or conditional permitted use, not less than 15,000 square feet in area and 100 feet in width.
   (D)   Yards.
      (1)   Front yard.  Not less than 40 feet.
      (2)   Side yard.  Two side yards, neither of which is less than ten feet in width, except:
         (a)   A side yard adjoining or across the alley from a residence district shall be not less than 20 feet in width; and
         (b)   A side yard adjoining a street shall be not less than 40 feet in depth.
      (3)   Rear yard.  Not less than 40 feet.
   (E)   Floor area ratio.  Not to exceed one to zero.
   (F)   Awnings, marquees and signs. As in the B-1 District, except: Ground signs shall be permitted as accessory to any use allowed in this district, provided the sign shall not extend into a street right-of-way and it shall be located not less than 15 feet from the nearest interior lot line.
   (G)   Off-street parking and off-street loading. In accordance with regulations herein set forth in §§ 15.15.295 and 15.15.300.
(Ord. passed 1-12-1976, § IX-D; Ord. VG06-416, passed 10-23-2006)