This division shall apply to group V firefighters as defined by § 2.5-1.
(Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014)
(a) (1) For credited service earned prior to January 10, 2015, earnings shall mean the amount actually paid to a group V firefighter by the city for services rendered to the city during the calendar year, plus overtime, acting, assignment, holiday, longevity, educational incentive, safety award, incentive and shift differential pay, as reported on the group V firefighter’s W-2 form. Earnings shall also include weekly workers’ compensation benefits (currently referred to as temporary income benefits), beginning for such amounts received by group V firefighters on or after January 1, 2006, so long as required by law. Regardless of the fact that the following payments may be shown upon a group V firefighter’s W-2 form, earnings shall not include:
a. Any non-salary allowance (such as uniform reimbursement, automobile allowance or mileage, etc.);
b. Lump sum payments received at time of termination for unused vacation, sick and/or major medical, and personal leave;
c. Any award by a court, administrative body or settlement agreement in excess of earnings; and
d. Any amount paid to a group V firefighter for which the city does not contribute to the fund under § 2.5-3(b).
(2) A group V firefighter participating in a city-sponsored deferred compensation plan shall have the amount of any deferred compensation credited to that group V firefighter during the calendar year added to earnings reported on the group V firefighter’s W-2 form to arrive at total earnings for fund matters. Mandatory group V firefighter contributions that are picked-up by the city and excluded from a group V firefighter’s W-2 form shall also be included as part of earnings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, earnings in excess of $200,000, if any (or such other amounts as may be determined by taking into account the cost-of-living adjustment provided under § 401(a)(17) of the Code) shall be disregarded for all purposes of this definition. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, earnings shall not include any amounts paid following a group V firefighter’s effective DROP election.
(b) (1) For credited service earned on or after January 10, 2015, earnings shall mean the amount actually paid to a group V firefighter by the city for services rendered to the city during the calendar year, plus acting, assignment, holiday, longevity, educational incentive, safety award, incentive and shift differential pay, as reported on the group V firefighter’s W-2 form. Earnings shall also include weekly workers’ compensation benefits (currently referred to as temporary income benefits), beginning for such amounts received by group V firefighters on or after January 1, 2006, so long as required by law. Earnings will also include built-in overtime as defined by § 2.5-1. All other overtime is excluded. Regardless of the fact that the following payments may be shown upon a group V firefighter’s W-2 form, earnings shall not include:
a. Any non-salary allowance (such as uniform reimbursement, automobile allowance or mileage, etc.);
b. Lump sum payments received at time of termination for unused vacation, sick and/or major medical, and personal leave;
c. Any award by a court, administrative body, or settlement agreement in excess of earnings;
d. Any amount paid to a group V firefighter for which the city does not contribute to the fund under § 2.5-3(b); and
e. Overtime that is not built-in overtime.
(2) A group V firefighter participating in a city-sponsored deferred compensation plan shall have the amount of any deferred compensation credited to that group V firefighter during the calendar year added to earnings reported on the group V firefighter’s W-2 form to arrive at total earnings for fund matters. Mandatory group V firefighter contributions that are picked-up by the city and excluded from a group V firefighter’s W-2 form shall also be included as part of earnings. Notwithstanding the foregoing, earnings in excess of $200,000, if any (or such other amounts as may be determined by taking into account the cost-of-living adjustment provided under § 401(a)(17) of the Code) shall be disregarded for all purposes of this definition. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, earnings shall not include any amounts paid following a group V firefighter’s effective DROP election.
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014)
(a) Normal retirement date for group V firefighters. A group V firefighter, shall be eligible for pension benefits on or after the group V firefighter's normal retirement date, which shall be the last day of the month on which the earliest of the following occurs:
(1) The group V firefighter's years of age and all years of credited service total 80; or
(2) The date on which the group V firefighter reaches age 65, but in no event shall such normal retirement date be prior to the fifth anniversary of the date the group V firefighter joined the fund.
(b) Omitted per council direction.
(c) Vested terminated retirement date for group V firefighters. A vested terminated group V firefighter, shall be eligible for pension benefits on or after the group V firefighter's vested terminated retirement date, which shall be the last day of the month on which the earliest of the following occurs:
(1) The group V firefighter's years of age plus years of credited service total 80 as if the vested terminated firefighter had remained employed by the city; or
(2) The date on which the group V firefighter reaches age 65.
(d) Omitted per council direction.
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014; Ord. 23516-12-2018, § 1, passed 12-11-2018)
(a) Compensation base for determining group V firefighter benefits for credited service earned or purchased prior to January 10, 2015.
(1) For group V firefighters hired and vested prior to October 23, 2007 (not subject to the 12% cap), pension, death benefits, disability pension and vested termination benefits shall be based upon the group V firefighter’s compensation base which shall mean the average annual earnings, as defined by § 2.5-61(a) which were paid to the group V firefighter by the city for employment with the city during any three calendar years in which he or she had the highest annual earnings.
(2) For group V firefighters who were hired prior to January 10, 2015, but not vested by October 23, 2007 (subject to the 12% cap), pension, death benefits, disability pension and vested termination benefits shall be based upon the group V firefighter’s compensation base which shall mean the average annual earnings, as defined by § 2.5-61(a) which were paid to the group V firefighter by the city for employment with the city during any three calendar years in which he or she had the highest annual earnings, subject to the following limitations:
a. The fund shall determine the four calendar years in which the group V firefighter had the highest annual earnings. Of such four years, the year in which the group V firefighter had the lowest annual earnings shall serve as the base year. The base year shall not be included as one of the three calendar years for purposes of the compensation base calculation.
b. The first annual earnings to be used in the calculation of the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be the actual annual earnings from the calendar year with the third highest annual earnings of the four calendar years identified in subsection (a)(2)a. above, provided that if such annual earnings are from a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2008, the amount to be used in the calculation of the compensation base for the first year shall not exceed 112% of the annual earnings for the base year.
c. The second annual earnings to be used in the calculation of the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be the actual annual earnings from the calendar year with the second highest annual earnings of the four calendar years identified in subsection (a)(2)a. above, provided that if such annual earnings are from a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2008, the amount to be used in the calculation of the compensation base for the second year shall not exceed 112% of the annual earnings that are attributable to the year described in subsection (a)(2)b. above.
d. The third annual earnings to be used in the calculation of the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be the actual annual earnings from the calendar year with the highest annual earnings of the four calendar years identified in subsection (a)(2)a. above, provided that if such annual earnings are from a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2008, the amount to be used in the calculation of the compensation base for the third year shall not exceed 112% of the annual earnings that are attributable to the year described in subsection (a)(2)c. above.
e. The average of the three amounts determined in accordance with subsections (a)(2)a. through (a)(2)d. will be the average annual earnings for purposes of the group V firefighter’s compensation base.
(b) Compensation base for determining group V firefighter benefits for credited service earned or purchased on or after January 10, 2015. For group V firefighters, credited service earned or purchased on or after January 10, 2015 shall be based upon average annual earnings, as defined by § 2.5-61(b) which were paid to the group V firefighter by the city for employment with the city during any five calendar years in which the group V firefighter had the highest annual earnings. The compensation base for credited service earned or purchased on or after January 10, 2015, includes built-in overtime, but does not include any other overtime.
(c) If a group V firefighter has less than five (or if applicable, three) calendar years of employment, the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be determined by the executive director under uniform, non-discriminatory procedures that are consistently applied.
(d) For compensation base purposes, any lump sum payments of earnings for any prior time period, whether awarded to the group V firefighter by a court, administrative body or settlement agreement, shall be retroactively attributed to the calendar year in which it would otherwise have been received by the group V firefighter from the city for services rendered.
(e) For purposes of computing the compensation base for a group V firefighter who has made an effective DROP election, the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be calculated using the group V firefighter’s earnings prior to the effective date of the DROP election.
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014)
(a) Contribution refund prior to vesting. Any group V firefighter who is voluntarily or involuntarily separated from the service of the city before the group V firefighter is vested shall be entitled to receive the amount of the group V firefighter's contributions plus regular interest less any amount previously paid to the group V firefighter from the fund.
(b) Contribution refund after vesting in lieu of vested terminated pension. Any vested group V firefighter who is voluntarily or involuntarily separated from the service of the city may elect to receive a refund of the group V firefighter's contributions, plus regular interest, less any amount previously paid to the group V firefighter from the fund, either at the date of such separation or at any time thereafter prior to commencement of retirement benefit, but by so doing, the group V firefighter shall forfeit all rights under the fund and thereafter be entitled to no further benefits hereunder.
(c) Vested terminated pension.
(1) A vested terminated group V firefighter shall be entitled to receive a vested terminated pension payable:
a. In full, pursuant to § 2.5-65(b)(1) and (2); or
b. In a reduced amount commencing on or after age 50 pursuant to § 2.5-65(b)(5).
(2) A vested terminated group V firefighter must file a request for the commencement of the vested terminated pension by completing such forms and following such procedures as are established by the board. A vested terminated pension shall be payable monthly on the first day of each month commencing with the month following approval of the group V firefighter's vested terminated pension by the board.
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014; Ord. 22977-10-2017, § 1, passed 10-24-2017; Ord. 23516-12-2018, § 1, passed 12-11-2018)
(a) Pensions commencing prior to January 10, 2015.
(1) A vested group V firefighter who retires on or after the group V firefighter’s normal retirement date and who requests commencement of the group V firefighter’s pension prior to January 10, 2015, or a group V firefighter who terminates employment prior to January 10, 2015, and prior to the group V firefighter’s normal retirement date and who waits until such normal retirement date, to apply for a pension, shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be 3% of the group V firefighter’s applicable compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(a)(1) or (a)(2), whichever is applicable, multiplied by the group V firefighter’s total years of credited service, payable monthly on the first day of each month commencing with the month following the board’s approval of the group V firefighter’s pension. This retirement pension shall be defined as the “group V firefighter’s standard pension benefit A.”
(2) Alternative pension benefit. In lieu of the group V firefighter’s standard pension benefit A, a group V firefighter under this subsection may irrevocably elect with his or her spouse’s consent (where applicable), in advance of his or her retirement and pursuant to regulations and requirements the board in its discretion may adopt, to receive an “alternative pension benefit” which shall be actuarially equivalent to the group V firefighter’s standard pension benefit A and which shall be payable in two parts:
a. One part in a lump sum amount not less than 5% nor greater than 25% of the actuarial equivalent of the group V firefighter’s pre-January 10, 2015 standard pension benefit A, which lump sum shall be payable on the date benefits commence under subsection (a)(2)b. below; and
b. The remainder in an annual life pension, payable monthly on the first day of each month commencing with the month following the board’s approval of the group V firefighter’s alternative pension benefit.
(3) Limitation on alternative pension benefit. Notwithstanding any other provision in this division to the contrary, the option to elect an alternative pension benefit shall not be available for any disability pension under § 2.5-66, death benefit under § 2.5-67, or vested termination pension under § 2.5-64, nor shall it be available to any group V firefighter who is receiving pension benefits as of the effective date of the alternative pension benefit provisions of this section, nor shall it be available upon re-retirement to any retired group V firefighter who becomes re-employed by the city.
(b) Pensions commencing on or after January 10, 2015 [known as group V firefighter standard pension benefit "B," excluding § 2.5-65(b)(5)].
(1) Pensions commencing upon normal retirement date or vested terminated retirement date for group V firefighters hired and vested prior to October 23, 2007, whose pension commences on or after January 10, 2015 (not subject to the earnings cap). A vested group V firefighter hired and vested prior to October 23, 2007, who retires on or after the group V firefighter's normal retirement date and requests commencement of the group V firefighter's pension on or after January 10, 2015, or a group V firefighter who terminates employment on or after January 10, 2015, and prior to the group V firefighter's normal retirement date and who waits until such vested terminated retirement date to apply for a pension, shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be calculated by adding the following:
a. Three percent (3.0%) of the group V firefighter's compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(a)(1) multiplied by the group V firefighter's years of credited service from date of hire until January 9, 2015; and
b. Two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the group V firefighter's compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(b) multiplied by the group V firefighter's years of credited service from January 10, 2015 until date of termination.
(2) Pensions commencing upon normal retirement date or vested terminated retirement date for group V firefighters who were hired prior to January 10, 2015, but were not vested by October 23, 2007 and whose pension commences on or after January 10, 2015 (subject to the earnings cap). A group V firefighter hired and not vested prior to October 23, 2007, who retires on or after the group V firefighter's normal retirement date and requests commencement of the group V firefighter’s pension, and whose pension commences on or after January 10, 2015, or who terminates employment on or after January 10, 2015, but prior to his or her normal retirement date and who waits until such vested retirement date to apply for a pension shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be calculated by adding the following:
a. Three percent (3.0%) of the group V firefighter's compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(a)(2) multiplied by the group V firefighter's years of credited service from date of hire through January 9, 2015; and
b. Two and one-half percent (2.5%) of the group V firefighter's compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(b) multiplied by the group V firefighter's years of credited service from January 10, 2015 until date of termination.
(3) Omitted per council direction.
(4) Omitted per council direction.
(5) Early retirement.
a. A group V firefighter can retire prior to their normal retirement date with a reduced pension if:
1. The group V firefighter is age 50; and
2. The group V firefighter has been a member of the fund for five years or more.
b. Early retirement pension calculation.
1. An early retirement pension shall be an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be the specified percentage of the group V firefighter's compensation base multiplied by the group V firefighter's total years of credited service. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the specified percentage of the group V firefighter's compensation base shall be 2.75% for all credited service earned or purchased prior to January 10, 2015, and 2.25% for credited service earned or purchased on or after January 10, 2015. Early retirement pension shall be calculated using the specified percentage and compensation base in effect at the time the group V firefighter earned or purchased the credited service for all credited service earned or purchased after January 10, 2015.
2. In addition to the reduced multiplier described in subsection (5)(b)1. above, a group V firefighter taking early retirement shall have his benefit reduced by an amount equal to the product of 0.416666667% multiplied times the number of months by which the commencement of the early retirement pension antedates the group V firefighter's normal or vested terminated retirement date. This reduction shall be applied to all parts of the benefit.
(6) Payable. The pension shall be payable monthly on the first day of each month commencing with the month following the board's approval of the group V firefighter's pension per § 2.5-65(b)(1) and (2) or (b)(5). The pension shall be payable monthly.
(c) Alternative pension benefit. In lieu of the group V firefighter standard pension benefit B, a group V firefighter may irrevocably elect with his or her spouse's consent (where applicable), in advance of his or her retirement and pursuant to regulations and requirements the board in its discretion may adopt, to receive an "alternative pension benefit," which shall be payable in two parts:
(1) Normal retirement alternative pension benefit.
a. One part in a lump sum amount not less than 5% nor greater than 25% of the actuarial equivalent of the group V firefighter's standard pension benefit "B," which lump sum shall be payable on the date benefits commence under subsection (c)(1)b. below; and
b. The remainder in an annual life pension, payable monthly on the first day of each month commencing with the month following the board's approval of the group V firefighter’s pension.
(2) Omitted per council direction.
(3) Limitation on alternative pension benefit. The only people eligible for the alternative pension benefit are firefighters who take normal retirement and do not enroll in DROP. Notwithstanding any other provision in this division to the contrary, the option to elect an alternative pension benefit shall not be available for any disability benefit under § 2.5-66, death benefit under § 2.5-67, or vested termination pension under § 2.5-64, nor shall it be available to any retired employee who is receiving pension benefits hereunder as of the effective date of the alternative pension benefit provisions of this division, nor shall it be available upon re-retirement to any retired group V firefighter who becomes re-employed by the city.
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014; Ord. 23516-12-2018, § 1, passed 12-11-2018)
Editor’s note:
On December 11, 2018, the Fort Worth City Council adopted Ordinance No. 23516-12-2018, which added subsection 2.5-65(c)(3), ‘Limitation on alternative pension benefit.’ To improve clarity, the pre-existing subsection 2.5-65(d), ‘Limitation on alternative pension benefit,’ was collapsed into the newly added subsection with all limitations together in a single subsection. Other than the elimination of the redundant title, no change was made to the text of either subsection.
(a) See § 2.5-7, for general provisions related to disability pension.
(b) Disability in line of duty. If a group V firefighter, whether or not vested, becomes disabled as defined in § 2.5-7, while in the line of duty, the group V firefighter shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base multiplied by the group V firefighter’s total years of credited service which would have accrued if the group V firefighter had worked to the group V firefighter’s normal retirement date, but not less than $250 per month. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be 2.75%, unless the group V firefighter is already eligible to retire on or after the group V firefighter’s normal retirement date, in which case the group V firefighter shall receive the standard pension benefit.
(c) Disability not in line of duty for vested group V firefighters whose disability pension commences prior to January 10, 2015. If a vested group V firefighter becomes disabled as defined in § 2.5-7, while not in line of duty, and the group V firefighter’s pension commences prior to January 10, 2015, the group V firefighter shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base, multiplied by the group V firefighter’s total years of credited service to date of actual retirement. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base shall be 2.75%, unless the group V firefighter is already eligible to retire on or after the group V firefighter’s normal retirement date, in which case the specified percentage shall be 3%.
(d) Disability not in line of duty for vested group V firefighters whose disability pension commences on or after January 10, 2015. If a vested group V firefighter becomes disabled as defined in § 2.5-7, while not in line of duty, and the group V firefighter’s pension commences on or after January 10, 2015, the group V firefighter shall receive an annual life pension, the amount of which shall be determined by adding the following:
(1) A specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(a)(1) if hired and vested prior to October 23, 2007, or a specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(a)(2) if hired prior to January 10, 2015, and not vested by October 23, 2007, multiplied by the group V firefighter’s years of credited service from date of hire until January 9, 2015. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base for credited service pursuant to this subsection shall be 2.75%; and
(2) A specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base as defined by § 2.5-63(b) multiplied by the group V firefighter’s years of credited service from January 10, 2015, until the date of disability. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the specified percentage of the group V firefighter’s compensation base for credited service pursuant to this subsection shall be 2.25%.
(e) Disability not in line of duty for non-vested group V firefighters. If a group V firefighter becomes disabled while not in line of duty before the group V firefighter is vested, then such group V firefighter shall be entitled to receive a contribution refund in accordance with § 2.5-64(a).
(Ord. 20471-10-2012, § 2, passed 10-23-2012; Ord. 21510-10-2014, § 2, passed 10-21-2014)