(a) A property owner seeking permission to conduct subsurface environmental sampling on city right-of-way, property or easements shall submit an informal written request to the environmental manager.
(b) The informal request shall include:
(1) A complete history of the release prompting the request;
(2) A scale drawing detailing: all adjacent property and improvements within 100 feet of the proposed sampling site(s); and the location of other soil borings made and monitoring wells placed in response to the release;
(3) The preliminary location, scope and details of all proposed sampling operations; and
(4) Documentation which shows the commission’s or EPA’s directive necessitating the request, if applicable.
(c) After receiving the request, the environmental manager shall review it and either:
(1) Approve it for further processing and notify the requestor;
(2) Return it to the requestor for more information; or
(3) Deny the request.
(Ord. 12274, § 1, passed 11-28-1995)