A. Purpose. The -RC overlay zone is intended to identify areas with significant environmental resources that result in development constraints. The -RC overlay zone requires subsequent studies and coordination with resource agencies to determine the exact location of sensitive environmental features or species, and the scope of development that can take place in light of these environmental constraints. The -RC overlay zone is also intended to maintain a sustainable environment consistent with existing biotic resources, soils, geology, topography, and drainage patterns, and avoid development that would result in adverse or unmitigated environmental impacts.
B. Applicability. The -RC overlay zone may be combined with any primary zoning district and applies to areas designated by the General Plan as Resource Constraint Overlay (RCO).
C. Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -RC overlay zone.
D. Permit Requirements. Planned development permit approval shall be required in compliance with Chapter 19.28 for all new or expanded uses if no other discretionary approval is required.
E. Development Standards. Proposed development and new land uses within the -RC overlay zone shall comply with the development standards of the primary zoning district, all other applicable provisions of these regulations, any conditions of approval providing measures to preserve and protect existing resources, and the following.
1. Subdivisions. Subdivision of land shall not be permitted except in compliance with required environmental mitigation measures for resource preservation and protection. Proposed lots or parcels shall be clustered where necessary to preserve and protect identified resources.
2. Minimum Lot Area, Maximum Number of Housing Units. The commission may approve a subdivision including parcels smaller than those required by the primary zoning district through the planned development permit process.
3. Limitations on Grading. No grading permit shall be issued and no grading shall occur on a site within the -RC overlay zone until a land use entitlement or subdivision approval for a project has been granted.
4. Modification of Standards. The commission may waive or modify the development standards of the primary zoning district through the planned development permit process in compliance with Chapter 19.28 where necessary for resource preservation and protection.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2427 §41)