Chico shall be divided into zoning districts which implement the General Plan. The following zoning districts are established, and shall be shown on the official Zoning Map.
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2231; Ord. 2320 §1, Ord. 2358 §10, Ord. 2427 §10)
Zoning Map Symbol | Zoning District Name | Primary General Plan Land Use Designation and Permitted Densities (1) |
Zoning Map Symbol | Zoning District Name | Primary General Plan Land Use Designation and Permitted Densities (1) |
Residential Zoning Districts (2) | ||
RS | Suburban Residential | Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) - 0.2 to 2 units per gross acre |
R1 | Low Density Residential | Low Density Residential (LDR) - 2.1 to 7 units per gross acre or small lot subdivision, 19.42.010(C) |
R2 | Medium Density Residential | Medium Density Residential (MDR) -6 to 14 units per gross acre |
R3 | Medium-High Density Residential | Medium-High Density Residential (MHDR) - 14.1 to 22 units per gross acre |
R4 | High Density Residential | High Density Residential (HDR) - 20 to 70 units per gross acre |
RMU | Residential Mixed Use (RMU) | Residential Mixed Use (RMU) (10 to 20 units per gross acre) |
Commercial and Office Zoning Districts (3)(4) | ||
OR | Office Residential | Office Mixed Use (OMU) (6 to 20 units per gross acre) |
OC | Office Commercial | Office Mixed Use (OMU) (6 to 20 units per gross acre) |
CN | Neighborhood Commercial | Neighborhood Commercial (NC) (6 to 22 units per gross acre) |
CC | Community Commercial | Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) (6 to 22 units per gross acre) |
DN DS | Downtown North Downtown South | Commercial Mixed Use (CMU) (6 to 22 units per gross acre |
CS | Commercial Services | Commercial Services (CS) |
CR | Regional Commercial (CR) | Regional Commercial (CR) (6 to 50 units per gross acre) |
Industrial Zoning Districts (3)(5) | ||
IOMU | Industrial Office Mixed Use (IOMU) | Industrial Office Mixed Use (IOMU) (14 to 35 units per gross acre) |
ML | Light Manufacturing/Industrial | Manufacturing and Warehousing (M&W) Industrial Office Mixed Use (IOMU) (7 to 14 units per gros acre) (3) |
MG | General Manufacturing/ Industrial | Manufacturing and Warehousing (M&W) |
Airport Zoning Districts | ||
A | Aviation | Public Facilities and Services (PFS) |
AC | Airport Commercial | Commercial Services (CS) |
AM | Airport Manufacturing/Industrial | Manufacturing and Warehousing (M&W) |
AP | Airport Public Facilities | Public Facilities and Services (PFS) |
Special Purpose Zoning Districts | ||
SPA | Special Planning Area | Varies according to General Plan land plan for each SPA, zoning districts shall be consistent with conceptual land use plan |
PQ | Public/Quasi Public Facilities | Public facilities and services (PFS) |
OS1 | Primary Open Space | Primary Open Space (POS) |
OS2 | Secondary Open Space | Secondary Open Space (SOS) |
Overlay Zoning Districts | ||
-AE | Airport Environs | Varies according to General Plan policies |
-AO | Airport Overflight | Varies according to General Plan policies |
-L | Landmark | All designations |
-PD | Planned Development | All designations |
-RC | Resource Constraint | Resource Constraint Overlay (RCO) |
-COS | Corridor Opportunity Site | Varies according to General Plan designation and primary zoning district |
-SD | Special Design Considerations | Varies according to Title 19
-FS | Fraternity and Sorority | Medium-High Density Residential -14.01 to 22 units per gross acre and High Density Residential -14.01 to 35 units per gross acre |
-FD | Foothill Development | Varies according to General Plan designation |
-VE | Valley’s Edge | All designations |
(1) A zoning district may implement and be consistent with more than one General Plan land use designation.
(2) When located within a Corridor Opportunity Site, permitted residential uses have a maximum density of 70 dwelling units per gross acre.
(3) If residential uses are incorporated horizontally, the minimum density shall be met, but if integrated vertically, there is no minimum density requirement.
(4) When located Downtown or within a Corridor Opportunity Site, permitted residential uses have a maximum density of 60 dwelling units per gross acre.
(5) There is no minimum density requirement for live/work units or caretaker housing.
(Ord. 2427 §10, Ord. 2440 §22, Ord. 2494, §17; Ord. 2583, §4; Ord. 2600)
B. Determination of Allowable Land Uses and Permit Requirements. The uses of land allowed by these Regulations in each zoning district are identified in various tables in this Title as being:
1. "P," a permitted use, subject to compliance with all applicable provisions of these Regulations, subject to first obtaining a zoning clearance (Section 19.16.070), and any building permit or other permit required by the Municipal Code;
2. "UP," a conditional use, allowed subject to approval of a use permit (Chapter 19.24);
4. "TU," a temporary use, subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.22.
Note: Where the last column of a table (Subject to Standards in Section/Chapter:) includes a section or chapter number, the regulations in the referenced section/chapter apply to the use; however, provisions in other sections/chapters may apply as well.
C. General Development Standards.
1. Site Divided by Zoning District Boundary. Where a site is divided by one or more district boundaries, the site shall be developed in compliance with the requirements of each district, as applicable.
2. Zoning of Vacated Streets and Alleys. Where a public street or alley is officially vacated, the zoning regulations applicable to the abutting property shall apply to the vacated street or alley. Exception: For sites where one of the district areas constitutes less than ten percent of the site, and is not a Special Purpose Zoning District (e.g., OS1, OS2), development of the site may occur in compliance with the predominant district or as described above, at the owner's discretion.
3. Conflicts Between Provisions.
a. In the event of any conflict between the zoning district regulations of this division and the provisions of Division V (Site Planning and General Development Standards) the provisions of Division V shall control; and
b. In the event of any conflict between the zoning district regulations of this division and the provisions of any applicable development agreement or specific plan, the provisions of the development agreement or specific plan shall control.
4. Enclosed Buildings. Unless otherwise expressly permitted, all goods displayed and sold and all services performed shall be within an enclosed building.
D. Consolidated Lots in Two Zoning Districts. In the event two or more lots are proposed for consolidation through the approval of a lot line adjustment, parcel map, or tentative map in compliance with Title 18 (Subdivisions) of the Municipal Code so that a single lot is substantially covered by two or more zoning districts, the application for adjustment or map approval shall be accompanied by an application for rezoning of the lot into a single zoning district. Exception: No rezone application shall be required for lot line adjustments where the transfer area is less than ten percent of the receiving parcel.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2358 §11; Ord. 2378, Ord. 2494, §18)