A. Purpose. The purpose of the -PD overlay zone shall be as set forth in Section 19.28.010 of this Code.
B. Applicability. The -PD overlay zone may be combined with any residential, commercial, or manufacturing/industrial zoning district established by Section 19.40.010.
C. Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -PD overlay zone, except when the ordinance rezoning a site to the -PD overlay zone includes specific limitations on allowable land uses, or a planned development permit issued in compliance with Chapter 19.28 and Subsection D below includes specific limitations on allowable land uses.
D. Permit Requirements. The first development of a vacant site in the PD overlay zone or any new construction on a developed site in the PD overlay zone shall require planned development permit approval for any allowed use. Thereafter, changes in the use of existing structures shall require land use entitlement approval in compliance with the primary zoning district, except where an approved planned development permit establishes different permit requirements for changes in land use.
E. Development Standards. Standards for development of properties in the -PD overlay zone shall be as set forth in Section 19.28.040 of this Code.
(Ord. 2185; 2382 §8. Ord. 2427 §40)