A. Purpose. The purpose of the -VE overlay zone is to implement the Valley's Edge Specific Plan.
B. Applicability. The -VE overlay zone may be combined with any primary zoning district established by Section 19.40.010 that exists within the bounds of the Valley's Edge Specific Plan area.
C. Allowable Land Uses. Land use allowances within the Valley's Edge Specific Plan area shall be determined as set forth in Appendix C of the Valley's Edge Specific Plan (Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses). If the Specific Plan is silent regarding a particular land use, then these Regulations shall be used to determine permitted land uses and permit requirements.
D. Development Standards. The development standards applicable to sites within the -VE overlay zone shall be as set forth in the Valley's Edge Specific Plan. If the Specific Plan is silent regarding a particular development standard, then these regulations shall be used to determine permitted land uses and permit requirements.
E. Administration and Permit Procedures. The administration and permit procedures contained in Divisions II and III, respectively, of these regulations shall be used to administer and process entitlement requests within the Valley's Edge Specific Plan area.
(Ord. 2583, §2)