19.24.010 Purpose, applicability
19.24.020 Application filing, initial processing
19.24.030 Hearings and notice
19.24.040 Decision and findings
19.24.050 Expiration
19.24.060 Issuance of building permit
19.24.070 Use permit to run with the land
19.24.080 Changes to a use permit
19.24.090 Conditions of approval
19.24.100 Pre-annexation use permit
Where required by Divisions IV or VI, use permits are intended to allow for activities and uses that are unique and whose effect on the surrounding environment cannot be determined prior to being proposed for a particular location. Additionally, conditions of approval may be placed on a proposal to ensure that the use is compatible with existing and designated uses in the general vicinity. At the time of application, a review of the configuration, design, location, and potential impact of the proposed use shall be conducted by comparing it to established development standards.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2358 §9)
An application for a use permit, or modification of an existing use permit, shall be prepared, filed, and processed in compliance with Chapter 19.16 (Application Filing and Processing, Fees) and shall include all information specified in the Department handout for use permits.
(Ord. 2185)