19.52.080   Corridor Opportunity Site (-COS) overlay zone.
   A.   Purpose. The -COS overlay zone is intended to encourage mixed use development of medium- and high-density residential and commercial land uses and to promote increased residential density, and transportation patterns that do not rely solely on the automobile. The development standards of the -COS overlay zone are designed to encourage a safe and pleasant pedestrian environment with an attractive streetscape, and limited conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians.
   B.   Applicability. The -COS overlay zone is applied to land designated by the General Plan as either a corridor opportunity site or a downtown opportunity site.
   C.   Allowed Land Uses. Allowed land uses are determined by the primary zoning districts. Residential projects within the -COS must be developed at or above the midpoint of the allowable density range of the primary zoning district designation unless one or more of the following findings are made:
      1.   The proposed project does not include residential development;
      2.   Residences are integrated vertically in a mixed-use project;
      3.   Site considerations such as parcel size, configuration, environmental resources, or other features make achieving the midpoint infeasible or undesirable; or
      4.   Infrastructure constraints make achieving the midpoint impractical.
   D.   Development Standards. In addition to the standards of the primary zoning district and all other applicable provisions of these regulations, the following criteria apply:
      1.   Density. When associated with a residential base zoning district: 15 units/acre minimum, 70 units/acre maximum. When associated with an office or commercial base zoning district: Up to 60 units/acre.
      2.   Maximum Height Limit: 65 feet and unless the underlying zoning district permits a greater maximum height.
      3.   Off-Street Parking Reduction. Proposed development may provide off-street parking at a lower rate as provided by Chapter 19.70.
(Ord. 2185, 2427 §43, Ord. 2494 §31, Ord. 2600)