Chapter 19.01
19.01.010   Title
19.01.020   Purpose
19.01.030   Authority, relationship to General Plan
19.01.040   Zoning Map. adopted
19.01.050   Applicability of these Regulations
19.01.060   Responsibility for administration
19.01.070   Partial invalidation of Land Use and Development Regulations
19.01.010   Title.
   This title is and may be cited as the City of Chico Land Use and Development Regulations, Title 19 of the Chico Municipal Code, hereafter referred to as "Regulations."
(Ord. 2185)
19.01.020   Purpose.
   A.   The purpose of the city in enacting, amending, and administering these Regulations is to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by adopting a Zoning Map (Section 19.01.040) and regulations generally providing for:
      1.   The classification of areas of the city, including future annexations, into several zoning districts;
      2.   The protection of the established character of the various zoned areas within the city and orderly development by regulating the uses of land, and the location, size, and character of structures or improvements erected or placed on the land, including alterations or additions to existing structures or improvements;
      3.   The implementation of the policies and goals in the Chico General Plan to achieve the arrangement of uses described in that plan and foster convenient, compatible, and workable relationships among these land uses;
      4.   The promotion of economic stability of existing land uses consistent with the economic development policies of the General Plan;
      5.   The preservation and enhancement of environmental resources and sensitive natural habitats, consistent with the resource management policies of the General Plan; and
      6.   The fostering of development patterns that promote energy conservation and efficient land use, and offer alternatives to automobile use by establishing densities and intensities that provide transit feasibility, and thereby also provide air quality benefits.
   B.   Consistent with subsection A, above, it is not the purpose of the city in enacting, amending, and administering these Regulations to:
(5/16/13)   1.   Create vested rights in any person as to any particular use, density or intensity of use, or occupancy of real property, or as to any particular classification of an area into a particular zone district;
      2.   Affect the marketability or market value of any property;
      3.   Vest in the owner of any property or property interest any claim of ownership of any kind as to any component of the market value of such property or property interest claimed to be created, increased, decreased or eliminated as a result of the enactment, amendment or administration of these Regulations; or
      4.   Entitle any person to compensation from the city as to any damages alleged to result directly or indirectly from the enactment, amendment or administration of these Regulations.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2312 §28)