The following provisions are intended to permit the operation of fraternity and sorority organizations as residential uses in zoning districts which are combined with the Fraternity and Sorority (-FS) Overlay Zone (Section 19.52.090).
(Ord. 2185)
Fraternity and sorority house permits shall be issued for a period of one year upon the submittal of an application form provided by the Director which contains all of the following:
A. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all fraternity and sorority officers residing at the fraternity or sorority house and two community sponsors.
B. Written authorization from the property owner granting the applicant permission to operate a fraternity or sorority house on the property.
C. A copy of the adopted bylaws and regulations for the fraternity or sorority.
D. The application shall be signed by an officer of the fraternity or sorority and shall contain an acknowledgment that all State and local laws and ordinances must be complied with, including but not limited to, the Chico Municipal Code regarding trash and recyclables collection area, signs, and noise.
(Ord. 2185)