Title 1
   1.01   Code Adoption
   1.04   General Provisions
   1.08   City Seal
   1.12   Right of Entry for Inspection
   1.14   Nuisance Abatement
   1.15   Administrative Citations
      Article I   General Provisions
      Article II   Notice of Violation
      Article III   Administrative Review and Hearings
      Article IV   Administrative Hearing Procedures
      Article V   Collection and Lien Procedures
   1.16   Notices of non-compliance
   1.24   Arrests
   1.26   Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions
   1.30   City Elections
      Article I   Campaign Contributions
      Article II   City Ballots
   1.40   Environmental Review Guidelines
      Article I   General Provisions
      Article II   Requests for Environmental Determination and Review
      Article III   Procedures for Identifying and Processing Projects Exempt from CEQA
      Article IV   Procedures for Conducting Initial Studies
      Article V   Procedures for Preparation of Negative Declarations and Mitigated Negative Declarations
      Article VI   Procedures for the Preparation of an EIR
      Article VII   Procedures for the Preparation of a Mitigation Monitoring Program
      Article VIII   Procedures for the City as a Responsible Agency
   NOTE:    Footnotes are numbered throughout the text and are located at the end of this title.
Chapter 1.01
1.01.010   Adoption.
1.01.020   Title - Citation - Reference.
1.01.030   Codification authority.
1.01.040   Ordinances made part of code.
1.01.050   Reference applies to all amendments.
1.01.060   Title, chapter and section headings.
1.01.070   Reference to specific ordinances.
1.01.080   Effect of code on past actions and obligations.
1.01.090   Ratification of amendments.
1.01.100   Constitutionality.
1.01.010   Adoption.
   Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 50022.1 through 50022.10 of the Government Code of the state of California, and Section 617 of the Charter of the city of Chico, there is hereby adopted the “Chico Municipal Code” as published by Book Publishing Company, Seattle, Washington, together with those secondary codes adopted by reference therein, save and except those portions of the secondary codes as are deleted or modified by the provisions of the “Chico Municipal Code.”
(Ord. 1154 §3)