14R.14.010 Schedule of unit costs to be utilized in developing estimates of cost for improvement guarantees.
A schedule of unit costs as established by resolution of the city council, shall be used by the public works director in determining the estimates of cost for required improvements when such improvements are required to be secured and/or guaranteed by a cash deposit, improvement bond or other approved form of installation guarantee pursuant to Section 14.14.090 of this code.
(Res. No. 58 79-80, Res. No. 154 80-81 §1, Res. No. 3 84-85, Res. No. 9 86-87, Res. No. 205 86-87, Res. No. 117 87-88, Res. No. 183 90-91, Res. No. 113-07, Res. No. 19-13)