Personnel Service System
   36.001   Establishment
   36.002   Definitions
   36.003   Classified and unclassified service
   36.004   Classified service
   36.005   County Board duties
   36.006   Director of Personnel
   36.007   Incumbent employees
   36.008   Prohibited activities
   36.009   Labor relations negotiations by State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecution
Personnel Policies
   36.015   Policy
   36.016   Jurisdiction
   36.017   Work week; office hours
   36.018   Longevity
   36.019   Overtime
   36.020   Vacations; holidays
   36.021   Leave of absence
   36.022   Disability
   36.023   Hospital plan; health insurance coverage
   36.024   Equal opportunity employment
   36.025   Recognition of County Employees Union
   36.026   Deduction of monthly union dues
   36.027   Business/travel reimbursement
   36.028   Payment for mileage
   36.029   Fiscal year
   36.030   Worker’s compensation claims; Insurance Reserve Fund
   36.031   Central Credit Union
   36.032   Public works wages
   36.033   Deferred compensation plan
   36.034   Contributions to Retirement Fund
   36.035   Membership of elected officials in Retirement Fund
   36.036   Grant-funded employment
   36.037   Federal Age Discrimination Act
   36.038   Sexual harassment policy
   36.039   County health benefit plan
   36.040   Retirement Fund included under section 125 plan
   36.041   Post-offer pre-employment criminal background and drug screening
   36.042   Conversion of military service to IMRF service credit
   36.043   Bright Start Illinois 529 College Savings Plan payroll deduction
Wage Rates
   36.055   Determination of rates
   36.056   Application
   36.057   Copies available for inspection
   36.058   Mailing of copies
   36.059   Filing of ordinance
   36.060   Publication in newspaper
E-Mail and Internet Usage
   36.075   Use of electronic communications
   36.076   Prohibited communications
   36.077   Privacy
   36.078   Right to monitor
   36.079   Prohibited activities
   36.080   Licensing fees
   36.081   Passwords
   36.082   Viruses and tampering
   36.083   Use of the internet
   36.084   Duty not to waste electronic communications resources
   36.085   E-mail addresses
   36.086   Record retention
   36.087   Freedom of Information Act requests
   36.088   Violations
   36.089   Policy changes
   36.090   Definitions
   Contracts with companies to provide insurance for county employees, see TSO Table III
   There is hereby established the County Personnel Service System as set forth herein or as hereinafter modified by amendment hereto.
(Res. 88-173, passed 11-17-1988)
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPOINTING AUTHORITY. The officer, individual, board or group, who by law or legally delegated authority, has the authority to appoint or to remove personnel from positions as county employees.
   APPOINTMENT. The offer and the acceptance of employment in the county service.
   BOARD. The Will County Board.
   CLASS. One or more positions sufficiently similar with respect to duties and responsibilities that the same descriptive title may be used with clarity to designate each of the positions; that the same minimum qualifications are appropriate for the performance of each position; that the same test of fitness may be used to rank applicants on the basis of merit; and that the same schedule of pay may be applied to similar positions.
   CLASSIFICATION PLAN. A list of classes in the classified service by official title. For each class, a specification shall be prepared which shall set forth the duties, responsibilities and authority thereof, and the minimum qualifications necessary for entry into any of the positions in the class.
   CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE. Any employee, in the classified service, who has satisfactorily completed the probationary period and has been so certified by the appointing authority.
   CLASSIFIED SERVICE. All positions and employees in the county services, subject to the provisions of this chapter.
   COUNTY. The Will County government.
   DEPARTMENT. A county governmental unit, under the control of an appointing authority, which has a separate operating budget, approved by the Board.
   DIRECTOR. Director of Personnel.
   ELIGIBLE. A person who is deemed qualified for entry into a specific class.
   EMPLOYEE. A person who is paid a wage, salary or stipend from public monies, in accordance with official entries on a county payroll.
   LIST OF ELIGIBLES. The persons, who have met the minimum requirements, for entry into a class.
   PART-TIME EMPLOYEE. An employee, who works less than 30 hours per week, unless elsewhere defined otherwise.
   PERSONNEL. The Personnel Director and related employees.
   POSITION. A specific employment, whether occupied or vacant, involving the duties requiring the services of one person.
   PROBATION. A specified period of employment, following appointment re-employment, transfer, promotion or demotion, it is the final step in the qualification process, during which work performance of an employee is evaluated.
   PROMOTION. A change in the assignment of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class having a higher range of pay; the converse is DEMOTION.
   SUSPENSION. The temporary separation of employees from their duties and position.
   TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE. An employee who, by prearrangement, works at given position for not more than four months per year, unless elsewhere defined otherwise.
   UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. All positions, in the county service, which are exempt from the provisions of this subchapter and from the rules pertaining thereto.
(Res. 88-173, passed 11-17-1988)