Although employees may use passwords to access electronic communication systems, these communications should not be considered private. Employees should always assume that any communications, whether business-related or personal, created, sent, received or stored on the county’s electronic communication systems may be read or heard by someone other than the intended recipient.
(1980 Code, § 36.72) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)
(A) The county reserves the right to monitor, intercept, access and disclose all information created, sent, received or stored on its electronic communication systems at any time, with or without employee notice. The contents of computers, e-mail and other electronic communications will be inspected when there are allegations that there have been violations of law, breaches of confidentiality or security, violations of this subchapter. These inspections will also be conducted when it is necessary to locate substantive information that is not more readily available by less intrusive means.
(B) Before initiation of monitoring of stored electronic communications such as e-mail messages, written authorization will be requited from the elected official for their respective area.
(C) Internet use will be monitored in the same manner as other electronic communications. However, in addition, the county will regularly monitor and maintain a log of employees’ internet access. Department heads will have access to this log upon request.
(D) Information obtained through monitoring may be used as a basis for employee discipline up to and including termination.
(1980 Code, § 36.73) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)
(A) Employees may not, without their department head’s authorization, upload, download or otherwise access and/or transmit copyrighted, trademarked or patented material, trade secrets or confidential, private or proprietary information or materials. Employees may not upload, download or otherwise transmit any illegal information or materials. Employees may not use the county’s electronic communication systems to gain unauthorized access to remote computers or other systems or to damage, alter or disrupt the computers or systems in any way, nor may employees, without authorization from their department head, use someone else’s code or password or disclose anyone’s code or password including their own. Passwords can be released to Information Technology technicians for problem solving.
(B) It is a violation of this policy for employees to intentionally intercept, eavesdrop, record or alter another person’s internet and e-mail messages. Employees may not enable unauthorized individuals to have access to or use the county’s electronic communication systems, or otherwise permit any use which would jeopardize the security of the county’s electronic communication systems.
(C) Employees must use their real names when sending e-mail messages or other electronic communications and may not misrepresent, obscure or in any way attempt to subvert the information necessary to identify the real person responsible for the electronic communication. Likewise, using another users account or login ID constitutes a violation of this policy.
(1980 Code, § 36.74) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)
(A) Employees may not install any software, for which the county has not paid the appropriate licensing fee. Additional licensing fees may be incurred every time software is installed for a new user. Consequently, before software is installed on their computer, employees have a duty to ensure that all appropriate licensing fees have been paid. Employees should notify their department head if they discover unlicensed software in their department.
(B) Employees may not copy software for distribution to any third party or for home use unless the copying is permitted by the software’s license agreement.
(C) The installation of software for trial periods authorized by the vendor would not be a violation of this policy.
(1980 Code, § 36.75) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)
Any personal computer that has access to the internet or e-mail must have anti-virus software installed on that computer. This software would be the software recommended by the Information Technology Department. The intentional introduction of viruses, attempts to breach system security, or other malicious tampering with any of the county’s electronic communications systems are expressly prohibited. Employees must immediately report any viruses, tampering or other system breaches to their department head.
(1980 Code, § 36.77) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)
The county is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by users from the internet. The internet provides access to a significant amount of information, some of which contains offensive, sexually explicit and inappropriate material. It is difficult to avoid contact with this material, therefore users of the internet do so at their own risk.
(1980 Code, § 36.78) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)