(A) Under no circumstances may employees use the county’s electronic communication systems for creating, possessing, uploading, downloading, accessing, transmitting or distributing material that is offensive, illegal, sexually explicit, discriminatory, defamatory or interferes with the productivity of co-workers. Employees may not use these systems for illegal activities, political causes, football pools or other sorts of gambling, the creation or distribution of chain letters, or for solicitations or advertisements for non-work purposes. Employees may not engage in any use which violates copyright or trademark laws.
(B) Employees are also prohibited from posting information, opinions or comments to internet discussion groups (for example: news groups, chat, list servers or electronic bulletin boards) without prior authorization from the employee’s department head.
(C) Employees may not use e-mail or other electronic communications to disclose confidential or sensitive information. Personal information such as the home addresses, phone numbers and Social Security numbers of county employees should never be disclosed on the internet.
(1980 Code, § 36.71) (Res. 01-164, passed 4-19-2001)