(A)   The county’s electronic communication systems, including e-mail and the internet, are intended for business use only. Incidental and occasional use of these systems for non-work purposes may be permitted with the approval of the department head. Before using these systems for business or personal use, employees must understand that any information that is created, sent, received, accessed or stored in these systems will be the property of the county, will not be private, and may be subject to a Freedom of Information Act disclosure. If employees are permitted to use electronic communication systems for non-work purposes, the use shall not violate any section of this policy or interfere with the employee’s work performance.
   (B)   Employees should use the same care and discretion when writing e-mail and other electronic communications as they would for any formal written communication. Any messages for information sent by employees to other individuals via electronic communication systems such as the internet or e-mail are statements identifiable and attributable to the county. Consequently, all electronic communications sent by employees, whether business or personal, must be professional, comply with this policy, and contain the employees electronic signature.
(1980 Code, § 36.70) (Res. 01-164, adopted 4-19-2001)