   42.01   Short title
   42.02   Definitions
   42.03   Persons required to register
   42.04   Persons not required to register
   42.05   Lobbyist registration and disclosure
   42.06   Reports
   42.07   Duties of the Clerk
   42.08   Contingent fees prohibited
   42.09   Petition to member or public official - right not to be infringed
   42.10   Venue
   42.11   Severability
   42.12   Effective date
   42.99   Penalty
§ 42.01 SHORT TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known as the County Lobbyist Registration Chapter.
(1980 Code, § 42.01) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998)
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. The execution or rejection of any rule, regulation, legislative rule, standard, fee, rate, contractual arrangement, purchasing agreement or other delegated legislative or quasi-legislative action to be taken or withheld by any county official or county employee.
   BOARD. The Will County Board and any and all of its standing or special committees or subcommittees.
   CLERK. The duly elected or appointed Clerk of Will County, Illinois.
   COMPENSATION. Any money, thing of value, financial benefits, or other pecuniary benefits received or to be received in return for lobbying.
   COUNTY. The County of Will, Illinois.
   COUNTY AGENCY. Any board, commission, department or authority under the jurisdiction of the County Executive or Board or any other county official.
   COUNTY EMPLOYEE. An individual employed by the county whether part-time or full-time.
   COUNTY MATTER. Any executive action, legislative action or administrative action.
   COUNTY OFFICIAL. The Assessor, Auditor, Board Member, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk, Coroner, County Executive, Recorder of Deeds, Sheriff, State's Attorney, Regional Superintendent of Schools and Treasurer of Will County, and any county agency or member thereof.
   EXECUTIVE ACTION. The proposal, drafting, development, consideration, amendment, adoption, approval, promulgation, issuance, modification, rejection or postponement by a county entity of a rule, regulation, order, decision, determination, contractual arrangement, purchasing agreement or other quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial action or proceeding.
   EXPENDITURE. A payment, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, honoraria, travel or entertainment expense, meal or beverage expense or gift of money or anything of value. This includes a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to make an expenditure for the ultimate purpose of influencing executive, legislative or administrative action, for services rendered or to be rendered.
      (1)   Delivery to an office of the Clerk by the close of business of the prescribed filing date; or
      (2)   Deposit with the United States Postal Services, postage prepaid, in sufficient time so that the mailed document(s) arrive at an office of the Clerk by the close of business of the prescribed filing date.
   INFLUENCING. Any communication, action, or other means used to promote, support, affect, modify, oppose or delay any executive, legislative or administrative action or to promote goodwill with county officials or employees.
   LEGISLATIVE ACTION. The development, drafting, introduction, consideration, modification, adoption, rejection, review, enactment, or passage or defeat of any bill, amendment, resolution, report, nomination, administrative rule or other matter by either any county official or county employee. LEGISLATIVE ACTION also means the action of the County Executive in approving or vetoing any ordinance, resolution or motion or portion thereof, and the action of any county officials or county employee in the development of the proposal for introduction before the Board.
   LOBBYING. Any communication with a county official or county employee for the ultimate purpose of influencing executive, legislative, or administrative action.
   LOBBYIST. Any person who lobbies.
   PERSON. Any individual, entity, corporation, partnership, firm, committee, association, membership association, union, trust, or estate, as well as any parent or subsidiary of any of the foregoing whether or not operated for profit, or group of persons.
(1980 Code, § 42.02) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998)
   (A)   Except as provided in §§ 42.04 and 42.07, the following persons shall register with Will County Clerk as provided herein:
      (1)   Any person who, for compensation or otherwise, either individually or as an employee or contractual employee of another person, undertakes to influence executive, legislative or administrative action.
      (2)   Any person who employs another person for the purposes of influencing executive, legislative or administrative action.
   (B)   It is a violation of this chapter to engage in lobbying or to employ any person for the purpose of lobbying who is not registered with the Will County Clerk, except upon condition that the person register and the person does in fact register within ten working days of an agreement to conduct any lobbying activity.
(1980 Code, § 42.03) (Res. 98-353, passed 11-19-1998) Penalty, see § 42.99