Water and Sewer
50.01 Making application for water, sewer and garbage
50.02 Water/sewer connection required
50.03 Cross-connection prohibited
50.04 Separate connections required
50.05 Sewer connections, water connections, meters, installation and maintenance
50.06 Meters restricted to employees
50.07 Cost of service connection
50.08 Repair and/or replacement of meters
50.09 Disclaimer of liability for service discontinuance
50.10 Water/sewer/garbage rates
50.11 Water and sewer usage measured by meters
50.12 Billing and payment
50.13 Approved payment plan
50.14 Limitations on terminations of utility service
50.15 Reinstatement of utility services
50.16 Unauthorized usage
50.17 Leaks on water line on customer’s property
50.18 Right of town to cut off water supply
50.19 Part-time services
50.20 Disposition of deposit
50.21 Customer termination of services
50.22 Adjustment
50.23 Opening of fire hydrants for private use, exceptions, procedure
50.24 Rolled change policy
50.35 Garbage collection
50.36 Placement and time
50.37 Containers required
50.38 Maintenance of containers
50.39 Non-acceptable containers
50.40 Accumulation of solid waste
50.41 Materials prohibited
50.42 Limits on amount
50.43 Refuse generated outside town
50.44 Limbs and shrubs
50.45 Contract services and limb/shrub pickup
Water Shortage
50.55 Purpose
50.56 Definitions
50.57 Declaration of voluntary conservation
50.58 Declaration of mandatory conservation
50.59 Declaration of a water shortage emergency
50.60 Declaration of rationing
50.61 Objections of rationing
50.62 Water use rationing for residential users
50.63 Water use rationing for non-residential water users
50.64 Water use rationing for hospitals and health care facilities
50.65 Enforcement of water rationing
50.66 Shortage water rates
50.67 Regulations
50.68 Hearing Officer
50.99 Penalty
Appendix: Water Shortage Response