Any and every building or house abutting a water and sewer main and requiring a water and/or sewer connection shall be separately and independently connected and metered. In instances where there are conditions that this is not done, the town will bill for the total number of minimums that are applicable to the circumstance or the situation.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)
(A) All water shall be provided with standard approved water meters, sitters and boxes, which shall be installed and maintained by the town. They will be placed as near as possible to the curb or property line of the property to be served and shall be at all times under the control of the town. It is assumed that the town has an easement to read and maintain the meter.
(B) Sewer connections shall be installed by the town and placed as near as possible to the curb or to the property line of the property to be served. All sewer service connections shall be provided with a clean-out placed near the property line at the end of the sewer service laterals, at ground level, and shall be maintained by the property owners.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)
No persons except town employees shall be allowed to open or enter into the meter box. Any person(s) other than an authorized town employee that reconnects or restores a utility service terminated pursuant to this chapter shall be in violation of this chapter. The said reconnection shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to violate this section by the person(s) to whose benefit it is that such service is restored and shall require a fine.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007) Penalty, see § 50.99
Standard residential tap fees for inside water and sewer and outside water and sewer shall be set by the Town Board and will be available for public inspection at the town hall. Said rates shall at all times cover material and labor cost. In addition to the service connection cost, all applicants for new connections to the water and/or sewer system(s) shall be required to pay a capacity fee. This is intended to allow the town to receive a portion of the capital capacity costs of providing a water and sewer system. Both tap and capacity fees may be paid over a three- to four-month period of time providing there is a signed agreement by the customer and approved by the Town Manager. A copy of the signed agreement will be given to the customer and the original will be kept on file at the town hall.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)
All meters, meter boxes, pipes and supply equipment, except those required to be furnished by particular users of water and sewer, shall be kept in good repair and working order by the town. The town may, at its discretion, make repairs and replacements of the equipment. All meters over one inch in size may be calibrated and/or replaced by the town once every two years. The expense of such calibration and or replacement shall be borne by the user.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)