Standard residential tap fees for inside water and sewer and outside water and sewer shall be set by the Town Board and will be available for public inspection at the town hall. Said rates shall at all times cover material and labor cost. In addition to the service connection cost, all applicants for new connections to the water and/or sewer system(s) shall be required to pay a capacity fee. This is intended to allow the town to receive a portion of the capital capacity costs of providing a water and sewer system. Both tap and capacity fees may be paid over a three- to four-month period of time providing there is a signed agreement by the customer and approved by the Town Manager. A copy of the signed agreement will be given to the customer and the original will be kept on file at the town hall.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)