(A) All payment plans in effect before May 1, 2007 shall remain in effect until the balance of the customer’s account is up to date. No payment plans shall be established for utility customers until the balance of the account is paid in full.
(B) If a utility user has an up-to-date balance and will be unable to pay the bill upcoming, he or she can request a deferred payment plan. This would enable the customer to come in before the fifteenth due date and sign an agreement for payment to be made over the next three months provided the bills for the future months are paid on time. This would prevent a late charge from being incurred. A customer would also be eligible to use the payment plan for three one-month deferred payments in a 12-month period.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)