(A) Unauthorized reconnection and usage shall result in a utility bill to be charged by the town to the utility user in proportion to the unauthorized use plus reconnection charges.
(B) In the case of landlord-tenant situations, the following procedures will apply in regards to the billing.
(1) The resident user of record shall be primarily responsible for contacting the town for utility services and payment of charges, including unauthorized usage charges as herein defined.
(2) It shall be the responsibility of the landlord/landowner to notify the town for temporary service as defined herein for instances such as clean-up at premises.
(3) On rental property that is unoccupied, where the town has received cut off notice and the meter is cut off and locked, the landlord/landowner shall be responsible for unauthorized usage.
(Ord. O-2007-16, passed 5-1-2007; Ord. passed 8-7-2007)