If the actual number of signatures on the remaining sheets after all subtractions equals or exceeds the minimum number required by the constitution or if the number of valid signatures as projected from the random sample is at least one hundred per cent (100%) of the minimum number required by the constitution, the city clerk shall issue the following receipt to the person or organization that submitted them:
signature sheets bearing signatures for initiative petition serial number have been refused for filing in this office as provided by law. A total of signatures included on the remaining petition sheets were found to be ineligible. Of the total random sample of signatures, a total of signatures were invalidated by the county recorder resulting in a failure rate of per cent. The actual number of remaining signatures for such initiative petition number are equal to or in excess of the minimum required by the constitution to place a measure on the next ensuing city general election ballot. The number of valid signatures filed with this petition, based on the random sample, appears to be at least one hundred per cent (100%) of the minimum required or through examination of each signature has been certified to be greater than the minimum required by the constitution.
city clerk (Seal)
The city clerk shall then forthwith notify the mayor and council that a sufficient number of signatures has been filed and the initiative shall be forwarded to the mayor and council for action pursuant to section 12-128 of this code.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
If the number of valid signatures as projected from the random sample is less than one hundred per cent (100%) of the minimum number required by the constitution or if the actual number of signatures on the remaining sheets after all subtractions from the random sample or after certification fails to equal or exceed the minimum required by the constitution, the city clerk shall dispose of the insufficient petition in the manner set forth in section 12-130 of this code and shall issue to the person or organization that submitted them, a certified statement that, for the following reasons, the petition lacks the minimum number of signatures to place it on the general election ballot:
(1) Signature sheets bearing city clerk page numbers and bearing signatures of persons appeared on petitions that were required to be removed.
(2) A total of signatures on the remaining petition sheets were found to be ineligible.
(3) A total of signatures included in the random sample have been certified by the county recorder as ineligible at the time such petition was signed and a projection from such random sample has indicated that more signatures are ineligible to appear on the petition.
A copy of the certification of the county recorder pursuant to A.R.S. § 19-121.02 shall accompany the certified statement.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
When the petition shall be found by the city clerk to be sufficient, the city clerk shall submit the same, with the certificate of sufficiency without delay, to the mayor and council; and the mayor and council shall either:
(1) Pass said initiative, without alteration, within twenty (20) days after the attachment of the city clerk's certificate of sufficiency of the accompanying petition, or
(2) Within twenty-five (25) days after the city clerk shall have attached the certificate of sufficiency to the petition, the mayor and council shall proceed to call a special election to be held in conjunction with the next ensuing city general election at which said initiative without alteration shall be submitted to the vote of the people.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
The city clerk shall retain an electronic copy of all signature sheets, subsequently certified as sufficient, pursuant to the retention schedule prescribed by the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. After the time period for legal challenges has elapsed, the original petitions shall be made available to the applicant but may be disposed of by the city clerk after a reasonable period of time.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Insufficient petitions shall be retained by the city clerk until after the conclusion of any litigation regarding the measure or until the time has expired for any litigation to proceed. After the time period for legal challenges has elapsed, the original petitions shall be made available to the applicant but may be disposed of by the city clerk after a reasonable period of time.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Whenever any ordinance is required to be submitted to the voters of the city, the mayor and council shall order such ordinance to be printed in the official newspaper of the city, for three (3) consecutive days and posted in the official posting location of the city. The mayor and council shall make, or cause to be made, all arrangements for holding such election; and the same shall be conducted, returned and result thereof declared, in all respects as are other city elections.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
Secs. 12-133 – 12-147. Reserved.