Sec. 12-110.   Application to circulate petitions; filing of statement of organization.
   (a)   A person or persons intending to circulate an initiative petition shall, before causing the petition to be printed and circulated, file with the city clerk an application on a form to be provided by the city clerk, stating an intent to circulate and file a petition. The application shall set forth the names, addresses and signatures of three (3) individuals ("petitioners") who are responsible for the petition and who are to be notified of all proceedings and actions taken in reference to the petition.
   (b)   The application shall be accompanied by the complete title and text of the proposed measure to be initiated.
   (c)   On receipt of the application, the city clerk shall assign an official serial number to the petition, which number shall appear in the lower right-hand corner of each side of each page thereof, and issue that number to the applicant. The serial numbers shall be assigned in numerical sequence. The city clerk shall maintain a record of each application received, the numbers assigned, and the applicant and petitioners to whom issued.
   (d)   The statement of organization required in section 12-84 of this code, and listing the chairperson and treasurer of the committee, shall be filed with the city clerk at the time of application and before circulating petitions. Signatures obtained before the filing of a completed statement of organization with the city clerk are void and shall not be counted in determining the legal sufficiency of any initiative petition(s).
   (e)   The city clerk shall make available to each applicant by electronic means a copy of the text of this chapter governing the initiative and referendum, a copy of A.R.S. Title 19 and all rules adopted by the secretary of state pursuant to that title.
   (f)   The provisions of article VII of this chapter, "Campaign Finance; Candidates, Political Action Committees, and Public Funding Program," shall apply to initiative petitions.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)