(a) Appointment, qualifications, and term.
(1) Appointment. The mayor shall appoint two (2) at-large members. Each member of the council shall appoint two (2) members: one (1) at-large and one (1) by ward. The commission members should represent different segments of the business community, with broad and culturally diverse representation essential. Consideration should be given to appointing members who are certified small, minority, or women-owned business enterprise firms.
(2) Qualifications.
(A) At-large members must be: (i) business owners or managers from companies located within the City of Tucson having no more than one hundred (100) full-time employees; or (ii) representatives from an organization located within the City of Tucson that represents the interests of small business (e.g., chambers of commerce, trade associations, economic and business development organizations).
(B) Members appointed by ward must be business owners or managers from companies with no more than one hundred (100) full-time employees, where either (i) the company is located within the geographical boundaries of the ward, or (ii) the member resides in the ward.
(3) Terms. The terms of the members appointed by the mayor and council as a whole shall be coterminous with the elected official making the appointment, or until their successors are appointed. Members of the commission shall be eligible for reappointment; but in no event may an individual serve more than a total of eight (8) continuous years.
(4) Vacancies. Vacancies on the commission shall be filled by appointment in the same manner in which the members are initially appointed. Appointments to a vacant position shall be for the unexpired portion of the term.
(5) Removal. A member of the commission who misses four (4) consecutive meetings for any reason or who fails to attend for any reason at least forty (40) percent of the meetings called in a calendar year shall be automatically removed from the commission.
(6) Quorum. A majority of the fourteen (14) authorized members of the commission shall constitute a quorum.
(7) Ex officio member. A member of the Pima County Small Business Commission shall be an ex officio member of the commission.
(b) Commission officers and rules. The commission shall elect its own officers and may adopt rules and regulations in relation to its functioning consistent with this chapter and other legal authority and file them with the city clerk. The commission shall meet at such times and places as it determines.
(c) Subcommittees. The commission may form subcommittees as may be necessary to carry out its duties and functions.
(d) Purposes of the commission. The purposes of the commission shall be to:
(1) Monitor the effectiveness of the city's small, minority and women-owned business enterprise program in increasing small, minority and women-owned business participation in city contracts.
(2) Monitor local practices and policies, which may have discriminatory impact on minority and women-owned businesses in the contracting and procurement of construction, goods, general services, and professional services with the City of Tucson.
(3) Facilitate communication between the city and small businesses.
(4) Evaluate city policies and regulations for their impact on small businesses and to make recommendations to streamline and/or modify such regulations as deemed necessary.
(5) Sponsor and conduct educational forums, hearings, and workshops on topics of concern to small, minority and women-owned businesses.
(6) Recommend to mayor and council for consideration alternative measures or legislation to encourage small, minority and women-owned business participation.
(7) Request of any city department information and or other assistance for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the commission.
(8) At the discretion and express direction of the mayor and council, assume and undertake such other tasks or duties as would facilitate the goals and objectives of the commission.
(Ord. No. 10785, § 5, 5-11-10)
The commission shall report to the mayor and council annually, and shall submit such additional reports as it deems necessary or as requested by the mayor and council. The board's annual report shall be filed with the city clerk's office on or before March 1st.
(Ord. No. 10785, § 5, 5-11-10)
The city manager's office, department of finance and office of equal opportunity programs shall provide staff to support the functions of the commission and to maintain minutes of its meetings. Minutes of meetings are to be filed with the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 10785, § 5, 5-11-10)
*Editor’s note – Former Article XIX, §§ 10A-200 – 10A-204, relating to the Resource Planning Advisory Committee, derived from Ord. No. 10310, § 1, adopted August 8, 2006, was repealed by Ord. No. 11509, § 2, adopted December 19, 2017.