Sec. 29-15. Development in the study area.
   (a)   Study area established. A study area consisting of the channel, the banks, and the land area extending fifty (50) feet from the banks of the washes listed in table 1, is hereby established.
   (b)   Required study area information. If alterations to the study area are proposed, the following information shall be submitted to the city engineer prior to the issuance of a permit for development in the study area:
   (1)   Hydrology/hydraulic study. A study of the wash and its hydrology and hydraulics is required. In addition to the information required by Chapter 26, Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Area Regulations, the hydrology/hydraulics study shall contain the following elements:
   a.   The location of the 100-year floodplain on, adjacent to, and a minimum of two hundred (200) feet upstream and downstream of the proposed development.
   b.   Soil conditions in and adjacent to the watercourse, and the erosion potential.
   c.   Existing rights-of-way or easement dedication along the wash for a distance of five hundred (500) feet upstream and downstream of the proposed development.
   d.   The existing and proposed ownership of any drainageway facilities on or adjacent to the site and identification of the persons responsible for the maintenance of such facilities.
   e.   Previous hydraulic/hydrology studies or maps prepared for the watershed.
   f.   Groundwater recharge potential at this location.
   g.   Sediment transport characteristics along the watercourse centered on this location.
   h.   Existing and proposed utilities to and across the site.
   i.   Any other elements that may be characteristic of the watercourses on or adjacent to the site.
   (2)   Plant/habitat inventory. All development proposals shall be accompanied by an inventory of the existing vegetation and wildlife habitats within the study area.
   (3)   A copy of the plant/habitat inventory shall be submitted to the development services department for review.
   (c)   Basin management plan. Development on a lot or parcel which is located within the boundaries of an approved basin management plan shall be in conformance with the plan.
(Ord. No. 7579, § 1, 3-25-91; Ord. No. 9967, § 11, 5-17-04)