Sec. 29-13. Definitions.
   Bank means a mild to steep rise of land which borders and confines the flow of stormwaters or floodwaters and conveys them to some downstream discharge point.
   Basin management plan means a site-specific plan for a watershed or balanced or critical basin which has been approved by the city engineer and which provides a conceptual plan for orderly development of flood control measures within the basin.
   Compound channel means a constructed or modified watercourse which contains and conveys a significant portion of the floodwater within a stabilized lower channel with mild terraces on each side of the low-flow channel, so that the higher watercourse areas can be vegetated to provide for open space and wildlife habitat.
   Development means any human alteration to the natural state of land, including its vegetation, soil, geology, or hydrology for any residential, commercial, industrial, utility, or other uses, including all areas used for vehicular access, circulation, and parking.
   DSD director means the director of the development services department or his designee.
   Gabions means a form of watercourse stabilization wherein the banks and/or bed of the watercourse are protected against erosion and scour from flowing waters. The stabilization consists of rock-filled, rectangular, wire baskets.
   Habitat means the place or type of site where a plant, or animal, or bird naturally or normally grows and lives.
   Native vegetation means vegetation which is indigenous to the specific site or to areas contiguous to the parcel being developed.
   Retention means an engineering/structural method of storing surface runoff water and stopping its downstream progress by employing schemes of containment. No flow is discharged directly into a downstream watercourse from a retention facility. The stored water may infiltrate into the subsurface ground layers.
   Riprap means large, angular rock used to armor or protect the bed and/or banks of a watercourse in a thick layer or blanket of rock material.
   Rock veneer means a blanket of riprap made up of usually small, angular rock used to stabilize the bed and/or banks of a watercourse with a layer of concrete, soil cement, or other similar material to secure the rock in place.
   Site means the land area consisting of a lot or contiguous lots (not including dedicated public property) designed for development as a single entity and exclusive of any abutting public right-of-way.
   Soil cement means an engineering/structural method of stabilizing the bed and banks of a watercourse with a material comprised of a mixture of sands, gravel, and portland cement to produce a natural appearing surface.
(Ord. No. 7579, § 1, 3-25-91; Ord. No. 9967, § 11, 5-17-04)