Sec. 16-74. Powers, duties and responsibilities of the board.
   (a)   Appeals.
   (1)   On an appeal, the board may affirm, reverse, or modify the notice of violation or notice of designation as a slum. In the event that the board modifies the notice, the following limitations and procedures shall apply:
   a.   If the appeal is taken on the grounds that the amount of time for correction of the violation given in the notice of violation is unreasonable, upon a showing by the appellant that the time is unreasonable, and upon a satisfactory showing by the appellant that there is a reasonable probability that the appellant will be able to correct the violation by the granting of additional time, the board may grant up to an additional ninety (90) days to correct the violation. The board may permit city staff to grant additional time of up to ninety (90) days if during the initial time extension the appellant has substantially complied with any plan or timetable approved by the board.
   b.   If the appeal is taken on the grounds that the method to correct the violation as specified in the notice of violation is unreasonable, the board may approve an alternate method of correction as long as the purposes of this chapter are fulfilled.
   c.   In the event that the appeal is taken on the grounds that the cost of the abatement is unreasonable, the board may affirm, modify or reverse the lien or assessment amounts resulting from the abatement for good cause shown.
   d.   If the appeal is taken on the grounds that an order to vacate is unreasonable or arbitrary, the board may affirm, reverse, or modify the order to vacate.
   (2)   In order to assist it in making the determinations set forth above, the board may take evidence from the appellant, city staff, and any other person. Any relevant evidence is admissible, including hearsay evidence, if it would assist the board in making its decision.
   (b)   Adoption of rules. The board may adopt rules necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities imposed upon it by this section. Such rules shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, or the Charter or Code of the City of Tucson.
(Ord. No. 9816, § 15, 2-24-03; Ord. No. 10126, § 18, 3-1-05)