Sec. 14-10.   Eligibility.
   Sec. 14-10(a). Employees who hold a position, at the time the petition to conduct an election is certified by the director of human resources and the city clerk, as a permanent, full-time, employee in a job classification included within the scope of the employee group for which an election is sought shall be eligible to sign the petition. A probationary employee shall be eligible to sign a petition if a then-current labor agreement provides that probationary employees are represented.
   Sec. 14-10(b). Employees who hold a position, at the time of an election, as a permanent, full-time, employee in a job classification included with the scope of the employee group shall be eligible to vote in the election subject to the petition. A probationary employee shall be eligible to vote in the election if a then current labor agreement provides that probationary employees are represented.
   Sec. 14-10(c). Employees who wish to petition for a call of an election to determine representation by a labor organization or an employee association must:
   1.   Be members of the employee group petitioning for an election as defined and set forth in Section 14-4 or Section 14-7, and
   2.   Sign a valid petition requesting that an election be called for the purpose of determining representation.
(Ord. No. 10880, § 2, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 11395, § 1, 8-9-16; Ord. No. 12069, § 2, 1-23-24)