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Tazewell County Overview
Tazewell County, IL Code of Ordinances
General Provisions
   157.001   Purpose
   157.002   Intent
   157.003   Scope
   157.004   Rules of construction
   157.005   Definitions
   157.006   Rules for boundaries
   157.007   Rule for disconnected territory
Establishment and Regulation of Official Zoning Map and Districts
   157.020   Establishment of districts
   157.021   Official zoning maps
   157.022   Detail area maps
   157.023   Amendments to zoning maps
   157.024   Display of official maps
District Regulations and Standards
   157.035   Uniformity of application
   157.036   General requirement
   157.037   Effect on existing agreements
   157.038   Existing violations
   157.039   Agricultural exemption
   157.040   Public utility exemption
   157.041   Lot division
   157.042   Lot depth
   157.043   Main structures and uses
   157.044   Minimum floor areas of a dwelling
   157.045   Number of buildings permitted per lot
   157.046   Accessory buildings, structures, and uses
   157.047   Height
   157.048   Setback lines
   157.049   Fencing
   157.050   Swimming pools
   157.051   Driveways
   157.052   Home occupations
   157.053   Zero lot line duplex
   157.054   Recreational vehicles
   157.055   Accessory dwellings
   157.056   Outdoor lighting
   157.057   Yards
   157.058   Contiguous parcels
   157.059   Open storage of junk
Land Use Matrix
   157.070   Land uses
   157.071   Key to land use matrix
   157.072   Matrix
   157.073   Bulk chart
(A-1) Agricultural Preservation District
   157.085   Purpose
   157.086   Permitted uses
   157.087   Special uses
   157.088   Minimum lot sizes
   157.089   Minimum lot width
   157.090   Frontage
   157.091   Minimum setbacks
   157.092   Height
(A-2) Agricultural District
   157.105   Purpose
   157.106   Permitted uses
   157.107   Special uses
   157.108   Minimum lot sizes
   157.109   Minimum lot width
   157.110   Frontage
   157.111   Minimum setbacks
   157.112   Height
(RR) Rural residential District
   157.125   Purpose
   157.126   Permitted uses
   157.127   Special uses
   157.128   Minimum lot sizes
   157.129   Minimum lot width
   157.130   Minimum setbacks
   157.131   Lot coverage
   157.132   Height
(R-1) Low Density Residential District
   157.145   Purpose
   157.146   Permitted uses
   157.147   Special uses
   157.148   Minimum lot sizes
   157.149   Minimum lot width
   157.150   Minimum setbacks
   157.151   Lot coverage
   157.152   Height
(R-2) Multi-Family Residential District
   157.165   Purpose
   157.166   Permitted uses
   157.167   Special uses
   157.168   Minimum lot sizes
   157.169   Minimum lot width
   157.170   Minimum setbacks
   157.171   Lot coverage
   157.172   Height
(C-1) Neighborhood Commercial District
   157.185   Purpose
   157.186   Permitted uses
   157.187   Special uses
   157.188   Minimum lot sizes
   157.189   Minimum lot width
   157.190   Minimum setbacks
   157.191   Lot coverage
   157.192   Height
(C-2) General Business Commercial District
   157.205   Purpose
   157.206   Permitted uses
   157.207   Special uses
   157.208   Minimum lot sizes
   157.209   Minimum lot width
   157.210   Minimum setbacks
   157.211   Lot coverage
   157.212   Height
(I-1) Light Industrial District
   157.225   Purpose
   157.226   Permitted uses
   157.227   Special uses
   157.228   Minimum lot sizes
   157.229   Minimum lot width
   157.230   Minimum setbacks
   157.231   Lot coverage
   157.232   Height
(I-2) Heavy Industrial District
   157.245   Purpose
   157.246   Permitted uses
   157.247   Special uses
   157.248   Minimum lot sizes
   157.249   Minimum lot width
   157.250   Minimum setbacks
   157.251   Lot coverage
   157.252   Height
Conservation District
   157.265   Purpose
   157.266   Permitted uses
   157.267   Special uses
   157.268   Minimum lot sizes
   157.269   Minimum lot width
   157.270   Frontage
   157.271   Minimum setbacks
   157.272   Height
Temporary Uses
   157.285   Temporary use permit required
   157.286   Application
   157.287   Permitted temporary uses
Screening Requirements
   157.300   Purpose
   157.301   Screening
   157.302   Maintenance
Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements
   157.315   Purpose
   157.316   General provisions
   157.317   Off-street parking
   157.318   Off-street loading
   157.330   Purpose
   157.331   Definitions
   157.332   Application and fees
   157.333   Permitted signs
   157.334   Prohibited signs
   157.335   Signs permitted in the agriculture and residential districts
   157.336   On-premises signs permitted in the commercial and industrial districts
   157.337   Location restrictions
   157.338   Setbacks
   157.339   Height
   157.340   Illumination standards
   157.341   Off-premises signs
   157.342   Non-conforming signs
Communication Facilities
   157.355   Purpose
   157.356   Authority
   157.357   Definitions
   157.358   Communication facilities permitted
   157.359   Application for building permit
   157.360   Communication facilities by special use
   157.361   Application for special use
   157.362   Evaluation of special use
   157.363   Enforcement
Manufactured/Mobile Home Parks
   157.375   Purpose
   157.376   Application
   157.377   Development standards for manufactured/mobile home parks
   157.378   Utilities and required services
   157.379   Solid waste disposal
   157.380   Electrical distribution system
   157.381   Telegraph service and television systems
   157.382   Fire protection
   157.383   Service buildings and other community facilities
   157.384   Building permits
Planned Unit Developments
   157.395   Purpose
   157.396   General
   157.397   Procedures and requirements for establishment of a planned unit development
   157.398   Property control
   157.399   General development provisions
   157.400   Review and evaluation
   157.401   Amendment of a planned unit development special use
   157.415   Purpose
   157.416   Authority
   157.417   Application for variance
   157.418   Standards for variances
   157.419   Conditions
   157.420   Action by Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.421   Action by Land Use Committee
   157.422   Action by County Board
   157.423   Fees
Special Uses
   157.435   Purpose
   157.436   General requirements
   157.437   Application procedure
   157.438   Standards applicable to special uses
   157.439   Particular special uses
   157.440   Requirements for particular special uses
   157.441   Conditions
   157.442   Action by Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.443   Action by Land Use Committee
   157.444   Action by County Board
   157.445   Fees
   157.446   Implementation and cessation
   157.447   Revocation
Text and Map Amendments
   157.460   Purpose
   157.461   Amendments
   157.462   Application
   157.463   Evaluation by ZBA
   157.464   Standards for amendments
   157.465   Action by Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.466   Action by Land Use Committee
   157.467   Action by the County Board
   157.468   Fees
Application and Hearing Procedures
   157.480   Application
   157.481   Notice of public hearing; publication
   157.482   Notice to adjoining property owners
   157.483   Notice to interested governmental bodies
   157.484   Conduct of a hearing
   157.485   Duties of the Community Development Administrator and Land Use Planner
   157.486   Exhibits
   157.487   Continuance
   157.488   Failure to appear
   157.489   Record of hearing
   157.490   Contracts outside of the hearing
   157.491   Action by the Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.492   Resubmission of denied request
Community Development Administrator
   157.505   General
   157.506   Creation and appointment
   157.507   Jurisdiction, authority, and duties
   157.508   Additional duties concerning flood insurance studies
Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.520   Creation
   157.521   Appointment, terms, residency, removal, and vacancies
   157.522   ZBA; powers and duties
   157.523   Powers and duties of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
   157.524   Conflict
   157.525   Quorum and meetings
   157.526   Order of business
   157.527   Secretary, minutes and records
   157.528   Legal consultant
Land Use Committee
   157.540   Creation
   157.541   Purpose
Building Permit
   157.555   General requirement
   157.556   Basis for issuance
   157.557   When permit required
   157.558   Exemptions
   157.559   Application for building permit
   157.560   Issuance of a building permit
   157.561   Denial of a building permit
   157.562   Fees
   157.563   Conspicuous posting
   157.564   Changes to approved permits
   157.565   Expiration of building permit
   157.566   Revocation of building permit
   157.567   Stop work order
   157.568   Entry and inspection of land and buildings
   157.569   Fee for failure to obtain building permit prior to construction
   157.570   Enforcement
Certificate of Occupancy
   157.585   Requirement of certificate of occupancy
   157.586   When certificate required
   157.587   Procedures for issuance of a certificate of occupancy
   157.588   Temporary certificate of occupancy
   157.589   Failure to obtain certificate of occupancy
Fee Schedule
   157.600   Fees charged for building permits
   157.601   Fees charged for public hearings
   157.602   Refunds
   157.603   Exemptions
   157.615   Purpose
   157.616   Notice of appeal
   157.617   Stay of proceedings
   157.618   Review and public hearing
   157.619   Standards and decision by Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.620   Fees
   157.621   Appeals of administrative decisions of the Zoning Board of Appeals
   157.635   Description
   157.636   Statement of intent
   157.637   Enlargement, expansion, and extension prohibited
   157.638   When rights of conforming use or structure granted
   157.639   Non-conforming lots of record
   157.640   Non-conforming uses of land
   157.641   Non-conforming structures
   157.642   Non-conforming uses of structures
   157.643   Repairs and maintenance
   157.999   Penalty
§ 157.001 PURPOSE.
   Pursuant to 55 ILCS 5/5-12001 et seq., the county’s zoning ordinance is adopted for the purpose of:
   (A)   Promoting the public health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare;
   (B)   Conserving the value of land, buildings, and structures throughout the county;
   (C)   Lessening and avoiding congestion on the public streets and highways;
   (D)   Avoiding hazards to persons and damage to property resulting from flooding;
   (E)   Regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings and structures hereafter to be erected;
   (F)   Securing adequate light, pure air, and safety from fire and other dangers;
   (G)   Classifying, regulating, and restricting the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings, structures, and land zoned for specified industrial, commercial, residential, and other uses;
   (H)   Establishing regulations and standards to which buildings, structures, or uses therein shall conform;
   (I)   Prohibiting uses, buildings, or structures incompatible with the character of such districts; and
   (J)   Implementing the policies and proposals of the county’s comprehensive land use plan.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-1(a))
§ 157.002 INTENT.
   The intent of the county is to work cooperatively with all interested branches of government including, but not limited to, the state’s Department of Transportation, the state’s Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, County Soil and Water Conservation District, County Farm Bureau, and the County Health Department to aid in the harmonious, orderly, and progressive development of the county. It is also the intent of the county to work cooperatively with its neighboring counties and municipal governments so as to foster the integrated, comprehensive, and equitable development of the county.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-1(b))