§ 157.107 SPECIAL USES.
   The following uses may be established by a special use permit in the A-2 District in accordance with procedures and standards set forth in §§ 157.435 through 157.447:
   (A)   Accessory structures prior to the principal structure, not to exceed a total of 1,200 square feet. The accessory structure shall be used only for personal storage and for equipment necessary to maintain the property;
   (B)   Agriculturally-related businesses;
   (C)   Airport, private or commercial, landing fields, and heliports, provided that the location and layout plan have been approved by the state’s Department of Aeronautics or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
   (D)   Animal sales barn;
   (E)   Asphalt batching plant;
   (F)   Auction house;
   (G)   Automobile service station;
   (H)   Bed and breakfast;
   (I)   Borrow pits;
   (J)   Campgrounds, provided that they meet all applicable requirements of the County Health Department and all applicable codes and regulations governing the installation, construction, and/or operation of swimming pools, sewage disposal systems, food storage, plumbing, buildings, and structures;
   (K)   Cemeteries;
   (L)   Churches;
   (M)   Clinics, veterinarian:
      (1)   Lot size shall be two or more acres if large animals (such as horses, cows, sheep, llamas, ostriches, and hogs) are to be treated or kept;
      (2)   No treatment rooms or pens for large animals, and shall be located closer than 200 feet from any off-site residential building or 100 feet from any property line, unless maintained within a completely enclosed building; and
      (3)   No objectionable odors are noticeable at or beyond the lot line.
   (N)   Clubs or lodges, private;
   (O)   Communication facilities;
   (P)   Community center;
   (Q)   Contractor/construction office/storage, not exceeding a floor area of 2,400 square feet, and all equipment and materials are stored inside a building;
   (R)   Day care centers;
   (S)   Day care home;
   (T)   Dwellings, single-family detached on parcels less than ten acres or that exceed the requirements under § 157.106(G) and at least one acre in size;
   (U)   Golf course;
   (V)   Golf driving range;   
   (W)   Governmental, non-essential;
   (X)   Greenhouse, commercial;
   (Y)   Gravel pits;
   (Z)   Home commercial;
   (AA)   Kennel, commercial;
   (BB)   Landscaping business, provided the minimum lot size is two acres;
   (CC)   Landscape waste composting and mulching facility that require an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) permit, provided such use(s) are in compliance with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standards pertaining to landscape waste composting facilities pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle G, Pt. 830, and such use(s) are not located within one-eighth of a mile of any dwelling, measured from the property line of the proposed site, other than an on-site dwelling. The application shall include such information as required pursuant to 35 Ill. Adm. Code, Subtitle G, Pt. 831;
   (DD)   Lawn care, no chemicals;
   (EE)   Manufactured/mobile homes occupied by retired/disabled persons on the same lot or tract of land on which a single-family detached dwelling is occupied as a permanent residence by a family member;
   (FF)   Manufactured/mobile home, accessory to agriculture;
   (GG)   Manufactured/mobile home park;
   (HH)   Paintball facilities, provided that outdoor paintball facilities are located more than 500 feet from any residential district, adjacent dwelling, school, church, existing paintball facility, and hunting range;
   (II)   Pet cemeteries/crematories;
   (JJ)   Planned developments, residential;
   (KK)   Recreational facilities, Class I, Class II, and Class III;
   (LL)   Schools, public and private;
   (MM)   Shooting range, indoor;
   (NN)   Shooting range, outdoor;
   (OO)   Stable, public;
   (PP)   Theaters, drive-in;
   (QQ)   Warehouse, mini-storage;
   (RR)   Wind energy conversion systems, subject to all regulations as found in §§ 153.01 through 153.11;
   (SS)   Small wind energy systems, subject to all regulations as found in §§ 153.20 through 153.28. There shall only be one wind energy system allowed on a zoning lot;
   (TT)   Banquet facilities;
   (UU)   Personal recreational building, not to exceed 2,500 square feet;
   (VV)   Adult-use cannabis craft growers, in accordance with Chapter 159, provided that: a cannabis craft grower shall not be located within 1,000 feet of property line of a pre-existing public or private preschool, elementary school, secondary school, day care center, daycare homes, religious institutions, a lot line containing an pre-existing residence, lot lines of all residential zoning districts, a residential care home and specialized care facilities;
   (WW)   Adult-use cannabis cultivation center, in accordance with Chapter 159, provided that: a cannabis cultivation center shall not be located within 1,000 feet of property line of a pre-existing public or private preschool, elementary school, secondary school, day care center, daycare homes, religious institutions, a lot line containing an pre-existing residence, lot lines of all residential zoning districts, a residential care home and specialized care facilities;
   (XX)   Agritainment/agritourism; and
   (YY)   Commercial solar energy facility, subject to all regulations as found in §§ 156.01 et seq.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-8(c)) (Ord. LU-17-14, passed 11-15-2017; Ord. LU-20-03, passed 2-26-2020; Res. LU-23-02, passed 1-25-2023; Res. LU-24-09, passed 5-29-2024; Res. LU-24-17, passed 8-28-2024)