(A)   The planned development project shall be developed only according to the special use ordinance, the approved preliminary plat, and recorded final plat and supporting documents. The special use ordinance and approved preliminary and final plats shall be binding on the applicants, their successors, grantees, and assigns, and shall limit their control, the use of the premises, and location of structures in the planned unit development project as set forth therein.
   (B)   Changes to the recorded planned unit development may be made as follows.
      (1)   Major changes. All major changes shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in §§ 157.435 through 157.447.
         (a)   Changes which alter the concept or intent of the planned unit development, including changes in density, changes in the height of buildings, changes in proposed open space, changes in total bedroom counts, changes in road standards, changes in street design, or changes in the final governing agreements, provisions, or covenants, or other changes, may be approved only by submission and reconsideration of a new preliminary and/or final planned unit development plat and supporting data and following the preliminary or final plat procedure.
         (b)   If the major change alters data or evidence submitted during the preliminary plat stage, then the resubmission must begin at the preliminary plat stage. If only final plat evidence or data is altered as result of the major change, then the resubmission shall begin at the final plat stage.
         (c)   All changes to the “original” final plat shall be recorded with the County Recorder of Deeds as amendments to the final plat or reflected in the recording of a new “corrected” final plat.
      (2)   Minor changes. The Community Development Department may review and approve additional improvements or changes in a planned unit development, provided that such changes comply with the following:
         (a)   Comply with the general intent of the planned unit development special use;
         (b)   The changes do not constitute a major change as defined in the previous section; and
         (c)   The proposed changes must comply with the requirements of the underlying zoning district unless otherwise specified in the planned unit development special use.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 1-23(g))